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Skyrim WTF Moments


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I was in Soljund's Sinkhole with the housecarl for my Markarth house.

We both jumped into the large round pit to reach the cave's lower level. There must have been water in an adjacent cell, because my companion was convinced he was under water.


I proceded to fight off 2 or 3 Draugr Deathlords while my follower swam though the air, performing the breaststroke and "treading water" while floating 2 feet above the ground.


I wish I could have filmed it - hysterical.


This lasted until we entered the next room, requiring a scene load screen.

The deep water he was expecting was in this room.

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My best wtf moment was when I had some nord women (solitude housecarl I think) as a companion.

Trudging through the wilderness suddenly a master electromancer comes running out of the trees. We both charge at the fool who is clearly going to die. Just as I reach him my companion runs in the way and it goes into a killing move where I thrust my sword through her back, grab hold of her neck and then throw her aside all in mid sprint and then continue my power attack killing the wizard in a second finishing move.


It was basically, get outta the way companion this is my kill......sod it ill just kill you so casually then kill this wizard.

I was dumbstruck I just stood there staring at my companions lifeless corpse for about 2mins afterwards, playing as a dead is dead good character, I had just murdered my companion

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More of a chuckle moment than WTF?!


Wujeeta dies to a swamp dragon outside Riften. Nameless/faceless guards and whatever are fine being killed off, but I feel bad when named NPCs die. So I resurrected her. Exiting the console, I moused over her and she says... "I am feeling much better now thanks to you!".

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I'm not supprised, you brought her back to life!


Today I had 4 city guards running backwards around town that was kinda a WTF moment.


I got amushed by a group of hired thugs also and the city guard decided to stand inbetween me and them just as I did a power attack so I had 2 thugs + the entire town after me, then when he asked me to pay for the crime the thug smacked him onto the ground so I couldn't pay and the town then killed me and went about there business

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Ah, so many WTF moments, so little space to write them all.


Sneaking through a Draugr dungeon and stealth one-shotting Draugr Death Lords and Death Overlords like an assassin boss until a Draugr Scourge shows up and it takes 5 stealth shots to bring him down.... That's only happened about 1,000 times.

Raiding another bandit camp and stealth one-shotting the guy in Steel Plate Armor but the guy with Fur Armor takes 4 stealth shots to bring down....

Sneaking up on a Dragon and stealth one-shotting it with a Legendary Daedric Dagger, Backstab enchanted gauntlets and an Elixir of the Warrior....

Sneak level 100, all perks and hiding inside an abandoned cabin that has a roof, Dragon still sees me and one-shots me with its Fire/Frost breath through the roof....


I could go on but you guys get the general picture.

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this was during the battle for Whiterun quest, happened after loading a save

a second later, and one of the kids fell through the floor, wasn't looking where he was going...



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One bad WTF-moment.


I like the weather in Skyrim. I like the rain. But it's got a tendency to stick around far too much. I had the entire scenic journey up to High Hrothgar ruined by a rainfall that just wouldn't go away. It ruined the immersion, to say the least, to have these lovely billowing streaks of snow blow past you, in the middle of a rainfall. Snow just don't behave like that, and it really sticks out to me, for some reason. I had to wait for around 15 hours until it finally cleared up.


One good WTF-moment.


I was tasked with killing some bandits in a tower. I rode up to it and heroicly dismounted, whereupon they started peppering me and my horse with arrows. The horse got furious, and suddenly galloped away without me, squeezed in through the door, clopped up the stairs and stomped all the bandits to death before I could. That horse... Don't mess with it.


I tell you, getting it back down once its thirst for blood had been sated was rather tricky...

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I came out of a mine (Gloombreaker, I think) atop a mountain to watch a bear fall from the sky. I was like, "Ok, whatever" and went about my business. I realized I forgot to do something, so I loaded my autosave from the mine, and this time... I see a mammoth flying ACROSS the sky. No dragons (as I haven't done the whiterun quest). Just bears and mammoths flying.


Yeah, that's weird.

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I was shooting one of those random skooma dealers on the road near Morthal, and my bow paralyzed him and it did that one glitch where they spin out of control all around you. However I lost sight of him for a few seconds, turn around to look at Morthal, and I just see him falling, wayyy in the distance into Morthal. His health bar disappeared, and I just stood there for 10 seconds, partly because I was dumbfounded and partly because I was laughing myself into tears. (It was one of those things you'd have to see. I will forever regret not recording it, lmao.)


Oh and also I killed some guy who challenged me in Whiterun, and as I was dragging his body to the little stream thing by the front doors into the city a little girl runs over and says: "What's that you got there? Oh! You're so lucky, I wish I found it first!".

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Like so many here, I've had a fair share of WTF moments, but my favorite has to be the town folks who gather to gawk at the dragon bones after a kill.


I was in Dawnstar and had one attack, when done the whole town came to take a look. Since I was a conjurer I decided to try and raise the Dragon, not expecting anything to happen. I used the revenent spell.


Well, still laughing, as everyone knows, the dragon carcass just took off into the distance, which I expected. What I didn't expect, that the whole town would chase after is a full speed. I guess the AI wants them within a certain distance to the carcass... I call it the camp town races... I've done it now in every town, and still laugh every time.

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