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Preston Garvey Won't Shut Up About The Institute Being Destroyed.


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So after blowing up the institute without the evacuation call, Garvey wont shut up about the aftermath of the institute getting blown up, i've looked for answers but never found any, i found another thread with the same problem but its just people saying they have the same problem but no answers: https://steamcommunity.com/app/377160/discussions/0/492378265881787985/


Help would be appreciated.

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So after blowing up the institute without the evacuation call, Garvey wont shut up about the aftermath of the institute getting blown up, i've looked for answers but never found any, i found another thread with the same problem but its just people saying they have the same problem but no answers: https://steamcommunity.com/app/377160/discussions/0/492378265881787985/


Help would be appreciated.

I read all that thread. The very basics seen posted there are just current events, no where did I see written the true path that fixes this issue.


A few things might be why.

  1. users have overloaded the game with mods that conflict too much with Vanilla.
  2. No posts about the actual dialog paths seen.
  3. no mentions of the sub-quests completed " sub-quests"

I'll give you a hint.




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