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nexus hate?


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What many people who object to/disagree with the policies here on the Nexus forget is; it's not the public square. It's a private space into which others are allowed if, and only if, they follow the rules laid down by the site owner.


Don't want to follow the rules? Don't come in. Coming here is entirely voluntary. No one is forced to use the Nexus.

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Nexus Members: 3,150,000 (Approximately). And that is a 650,000 increase since early October 2011. (4 months)


Without following the policy made on the Nexus, the sites would falter into something like SomethingAwful and the likes, and as far as I am concerned, I would never want that to happen!

The Nexus is a polite and nice community simply because of it's policy and the moderators who do actually utilize the policy. Pirates, flamers, spammers and trolls are banned, ridding the community of the filth that threatens to ruin a nice community. I wouldn't want it any other way.

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What many people who object to/disagree with the policies here on the Nexus forget is; it's not the public square. It's a private space into which others are allowed if, and only if, they follow the rules laid down by the site owner.


Don't want to follow the rules? Don't come in. Coming here is entirely voluntary. No one is forced to use the Nexus.


That is one of the reasons i joined this site, i cant be arsed with polics and "cant we talk?" if some one is to be banned. The way the site is run and how folks in the wrong or being an arse are delt with make it that much better, any one could avoid being banned and ending up in the moan about nexus else-were clan by just reading teh T+C/rules of the site.


The last part of your reply thandal sums it up right, site is optional the rules are not lol.

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Legally speaking, Dark0ne, piracy does not involve the download component, only the uploading (ie. distributing). However, since it's the downloading that encourages the uploading, I understand your concern.


By doing so, shows that one condones piracy. Not sure to what extent it could be compared to other crimes, but they'd be an accomplice nevertheless.




The administrative/moderation team takes pre-emptive action against these cases since it obviously does not support piracy. But I'd say the hate has it's core somewhere else. Many people seem to think the rules are too strict, and that the staff abuses their power. The internet, being the barrier it is, gives you the opportunity of acting the way you want without consequences. People should really know how to behave and not use these services as a way to vent their frustrations.

Edited by Yoshh
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Legally speaking, Dark0ne, piracy does not involve the download component, only the uploading (ie. distributing). However, since it's the downloading that encourages the uploading, I understand your concern.

You may want to reevaluate that in light of one of the few times that a downloader has been sued.


See Capitol vs Jammie Thomas. She was given every chance, and lost in a jury trial. Capitol Music was awarded $9250 per tune ($222,000). Then, she was allowed an appeal - the appeal actually awarded more money to the plaintiff. US$1.92 Million for a whopping total of downloading 24 tunes. That's over $80,000 per tune. :pinch: That's why most accused downloaders agree to pay the blackmail of around $3000 demanded by the RIAA lawyers when accused rather than going through that mess.


How many have you illegally downloaded? How much money do you have?


Note: I do not agree with the absurd damages awarded in that case. I have no opinion on whether she was guilty or not as I haven't heard the evidence that was presented to two separate juries.

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I dunno, Steam receives hate for being so invasive with the files people bought and (supposedly) own.

Nope. You agreed to their ToS and have purchased a license to access stuff through Steam. At their descretion, and subject ot their rules. And as Drake pointed out about the Nexus, if that's so terrible why are millions of people happy to use the service? :whistling:


I'd say because you have few options.


1.) Use steam, and hate it (or not) .

2.) Pirate the software (which can be quite troublesome not to mention illegal).

3.) Don't use it at all (which is fine and dandy if you don't play newer computer games).


I use steam in order to play Skyrim and a few of my other games, but if there was a better, and LEGAL alternative I'd likely use it right away.

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Yes, agree with you Gaius. I got jumped on earlier in this thread for saying the same thing, that people frequently only use the Steam service because they are required to do so as the only legal way to activate a game, and may not be using it because they like Steam. But like me, they do it, reluctantly, because they are not pirates and will abide by the law. (For some reason someone thought I was saying that Valve forced you to buy their games, which I wasn't at all.)


As regards the criminalising of the actual downloaders, our biggest ISP's in Britain have refused to police this and are going to court over our Digital Economy Act. Now the learned judges appeared to think that the DEA was contrary to European law. If BT and TalkTalk go to the European Court and are upheld, this could drive a coach and horses through other countries piracy laws as well, and would have implications if the USA tried to resurrect SOPA and PIPA. Just as in the USA, we have found that existing legislation can actually do the job.


Given how internet piracy is very much to the fore, and given that the Nexus stance on it is very clear, I never cease to be amazed at the number of people that get banhammered for talking about piracy and having torrented versions of the games that are supported here on Nexus. How daft are they, seriously? :facepalm:

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Legally speaking, Dark0ne, piracy does not involve the download component, only the uploading (ie. distributing). However, since it's the downloading that encourages the uploading, I understand your concern.

interesting theory


if this stands


then Megaupload can defend itself simply because it never uploaded the files


somehow I can't imagine that flying

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Hi, again, sorry to be unable to leave this thread... I re-read what i posted earlier and I realized I did not explain my complaint clearly.


The issue is that people who get IP banned from these forums are then unable to download mods from skyrimnexus.

This is too harsh and I wonder whether the people who provide the mods agree that the Nexus decides who is allowed to download and who isn't.


it's not the public square. It's a private space into which others are allowed if, and only if, they follow the rules laid down by the site owner.


Actually the mod software is in the public domain , right? Or is it owned by the site owner? If not, why are people allowed or blocked from downloading according to the discretion of the site owner?


Some people actually need certain mods just to be able to play the game.


As for banning people from posting in the forums, hey it's your forum and you don't need to explain yourselves on this one!


But for a nice community vibe I'd estimate you'de need one moderator per 100 members and one admin per 500.... otherwise you are forced to deal with people off-handedly because there is simply no time to separate the good from the bad apples.



Edited by Jaguarnaut
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