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Just relaized something weird....


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Faifh, if you are... scratch that, ...if you choose your mind to be so limited to understand other people's views, then well it is your choice. NorthWolf tried to explain, but alas... It's not like someone can explain/convince/make understand their thoughts to someone on the Internetz these days, where so many don't want to understand it, they already set on their position/opinion just for the sake of it. You can usually see those ppl, when they start pulling out strawmen arguments.


Anyway you know what does crack ME up? How often people explain away anything and everything with "It's a fantasy!".


- Why this petite looking Breton girl is just as strong as this muscle wagon Nord male over there? Wouldn't it be interesting if they had some difference?

- Why there are dragons, stupid? It's a fantasy LOLZ, u stypeeed!


- Why I can stand on someones head while in sneak unnoticed? That's kinda unrealistic and immersion breaking.

- LOOOOOLZ, there are orcs and vampires, how realistic is that? U moron!!!


- This otherwise quite immersive world that is not a JRPG or high fantasy in general and that aims for medieval/Norse/ancient Rome feel/setting/atmosphere (that does have racism) is kinda lacking a bit of less females wielding battleaxes twise their size to get this feel/setting/atmosphere just right in my books.

- ROFL I can cast fireballs out of my hands! U dumb. THIS IS SPAR... FANTASY!!!!!







Edited by SickFak
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Faifh, if you are... scratch that, ...if you choose your mind to be so limited to understand other people's views, then well it is your choice. NorthWolf tried to explain, but alas... It's not like someone can explain/convince/make understand their thoughts to someone on the Internetz these days, where so many don't want to understand it, they already set on their position/opinion just for the sake of it. You can usually see those ppl, when they start pulling out strawmen arguments.


Anyway you know what does crack ME up? How often people explain away anything and everything with "It's a fantasy!".


- Why this petite looking Breton girl is just as strong as this muscle wagon Nord male over there? Wouldn't it be interesting if they had some difference?

- Why there are dragons, stupid? It's a fantasy LOLZ, u stypeeed!


- Why I can stand on someones head while in sneak unnoticed? That's kinda unrealistic and immersion breaking.

- LOOOOOLZ, there are orcs and vampires, how realistic is that? U moron!!!


- This otherwise quite immersive world that is not a JRPG or high fantasy in general and that aims for medieval/Norse/ancient Rome feel/setting/atmosphere (that does have racism) is kinda lacking a bit of less females wielding battleaxes twise their size to get this feel/setting/atmosphere just right in my books.

- ROFL I can cast fireballs out of my hands! U dumb. THIS IS SPAR... FANTASY!!!!!








So to sum you up, all woman are just petite Bretons, and if they wield an axe this crazy fantasy and ruins your immersion ... :facepalm:

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About that muscle argument. I don't know where it came from. Yes Khorak mentioned it already, albeit didn't draw the right conclusion. I suppose this was about fighting? There are class 1 and class 2 muscle strains, if you are a fighter you want to have fast muscles, but don't care about endurance, bodybuilders usually train just the other way, they train for endurance strains, because they fatter and make you body look more muscle packed. They have strength with quite endurance, but they will give bad fighters, because they are slow. I've seen the otherway around in a show an old man asking a master boxer if he can hold a chair in a 90° angle longer than he. The old man won. Why? Because the boxer has fast muscles, but cannot hold a chair for five minute straight in front of him. (Additionally this is a muscle group hardly trained for boxing, while the old man focused soley on that).
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What's all this about Skyrim being unbelievable???


I'm surrounded by people in "the real world" with beliefs that I don't hold. I consider everyone to be full of beliefs that are not true in the sense that they believe they're true. I'm quite certain that if you told me your beliefs I would likely view you as living in a fantasy world.


Consider that much of the "Mythology" in Skyrim is based on what many people actually did believe and many still do, only in different versions now.


But I am a fool.

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Acting Gods ... believable

Magic ... believable

No toilets ... believable

Humanoid cats ... believable

Humanoid lizards ... believable

Orcs ... believable

Walking skeletons ... believable

Fighting ghosts ... believable

Clairvoyant message senders ... believable

Dragons ... believable

Shouting fire ... believable

No single really dark place ... believable

Less sexism ... unbelievable!


what about werewolf cats ( khajits) ? mea...wooooow

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What's all this about Skyrim being unbelievable???


I'm surrounded by people in "the real world" with beliefs that I don't hold. I consider everyone to be full of beliefs that are not true in the sense that they believe they're true. I'm quite certain that if you told me your beliefs I would likely view you as living in a fantasy world.


Consider that much of the "Mythology" in Skyrim is based on what many people actually did believe and many still do, only in different versions now.


But I am a fool.


Because it is make-believe :) :wink:

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About that muscle argument. I don't know where it came from. Yes Khorak mentioned it already, albeit didn't draw the right conclusion. I suppose this was about fighting? There are class 1 and class 2 muscle strains, if you are a fighter you want to have fast muscles, but don't care about endurance, bodybuilders usually train just the other way, they train for endurance strains, because they fatter and make you body look more muscle packed. They have strength with quite endurance, but they will give bad fighters, because they are slow. I've seen the otherway around in a show an old man asking a master boxer if he can hold a chair in a 90° angle longer than he. The old man won. Why? Because the boxer has fast muscles, but cannot hold a chair for five minute straight in front of him. (Additionally this is a muscle group hardly trained for boxing, while the old man focused soley on that).


How does this relate to skinny girls wielding gigantic weapons?


Regarding what you wrote:

Female soldiers [are], on average, shorter and smaller than men, with 45-50% less upper body strength and 25-30% less aerobic capacity, which is essential for endurance.
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