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Question about how blocking works...


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Greetings all,


Was just wondering... If you are the author of a mod, and you block a specific person, will that person still be able to see that the mod is up and available for download, or will the mod be hidden completely from that user? Thanks!



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I think I answered my own question. I had commented on a mod yesterday. I'm usually not one to make a negative comment, but this particular mod took me off guard. I actually tried to make the comment constructive, but I'm sure it wasn't viewed that way (typically happens when you question a person's fetishes). Shortly there after, I couldn't see the mod anymore. I wasn't sure if I had been blocked by the author, or if the mod had been taken down. Well, I just realized that it was placed (rightfully) under adult only content - which I have blocked from my view normally. It's still there, I haven't been blocked - my post has been removed, but as I said, that was kind of expected. I am going back to leaving only positive comments because even constructive negative ones typically fall upon deaf ears, and there's no reason to talk into the void. :happy:

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I think I answered my own question. I had commented on a mod yesterday. I'm usually not one to make a negative comment, but this particular mod took me off guard. I actually tried to make the comment constructive, but I'm sure it wasn't viewed that way (typically happens when you question a person's fetishes). Shortly there after, I couldn't see the mod anymore. I wasn't sure if I had been blocked by the author, or if the mod had been taken down. Well, I just realized that it was placed (rightfully) under adult only content - which I have blocked from my view normally. It's still there, I haven't been blocked - my post has been removed, but as I said, that was kind of expected. I am going back to leaving only positive comments because even constructive negative ones typically fall upon deaf ears, and there's no reason to talk into the void. :happy:


Yeah. The general rule here seems to be positive comments only. If your reporting bugs or issues- you can be somewhat critical. Negative opps are to be silent. :wink:

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I would argue that many do not understand exactly what constructive criticism is and is not. That is by both members and mod authors at times. However the mod author has the final say on this in their own files and doesn't need a reason to remove a comment or a person from access to their mods.


That said, remember that constructive criticism will state what an actual issue (not something like..this mod sucks or your preset is ugly) is and then ways to perhaps improve. If you simply don't like that type or style of a mod then the Golden Rule of the Nexus is, if you don't like it, pass without comment.


Anyone on this site can also filter block mods or block a specific mod Authors mods from showing up when browsing mods.


Just a reminder of the Terms of Service of this site about commenting on files and images:


The commenting and endorsement system is available on Nexus sites to provide users with:

  • an interface to offer positive feedback on the functionality of the file in question based on the authors initial intentions
  • the ability to offer constructive criticism on aspects of the file that could be improved
  • the chance to ask for feature requests and discuss such requests with other users of the site or the author
  • the ability to ask for help in troubleshooting problems with the file in question

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If you believe the content of the file breaches the Nexus terms and conditions then please report the file for moderator viewing and move on, do not take matters into your own hands.

If your comment contains text that is likely to personally offend other users of the site either in the language you use or the message of your text then do not post. We take personal attacks very seriously and you will be banned without warning.

If you believe that someone elses post does not fit into these criteria then you are encouraged to report the comment in question for moderator review. Above all do not post in reply to the offending comment however good intentioned your post might be, even if you are the author of the file in question. This is known as feeding the trolls and forum vigilantism and is frowned upon by the moderator staff. You may well end up with a suspension from the site if you partake in this activity.

This site has extremely dedicated moderating staff who have full authority to edit and delete posts as well as ban accounts instantly and without warning. However the moderating staff cannot possibly read and keep up-to-date with every single comment, rating and file posted on the site. It is up to you, the users of this site, to help keep this site clear of the people who just want to ruin it for everybody by reporting violations of these conditions to the moderators, either through the provided reporting features on the site or via forum PM to the moderating staff. (See How to report content (comments, mods, etc.) that violates the Terms of Service below.)


Good luck and happy gaming.

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