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Big quest mods


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Fallout Cascadia and Falllout Miami supposedly are/were in development. Years away though.


There are several quest mods already out that are 15 hours or so of game play. Maxwell's world is similar to Faalskaar/Wyrmstooth in that it takes you to a new world space.


Fallout 4 quest modding is hard though. The voiced protagonist limits dialogue, the scene/cutscene function is not bug-free (scenes don't reliably start when they're supposed to), and the one-dimensional nature of the main quest tends to push the quest mods towards being rather one-dimensional as well.


Also, while 99% of Nexus users are either silent or a joy to deal with, that other 1%, who absolutely refuse to read and love to complain about free content, makes the process of providing these mods more hassle than it's worth in the eyes of many otherwise would-be quest modders (e.g. see Maxwell's World comments section).

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