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Dark Brotherhood ... finished or no?


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So I killed the emperor, got my 20k gold and fully restored the new sanctuary, and the night mother gives me these random quests. Is this all there is to do? Is it like the thieves guild where you can do more stuff and become guild master and get the new armor, or is it pretty much over?



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I Hate her, she creeps me out with this Constant go Kill that Person in the name of Sithis crap. Wait a minute, i swear i killed this Contract like 3 times already. :blink:


Thus, im waiting for the CK so someone could Shut her up after i spoke to Nazier and then i can just look at the Nightmother without ever activating a Conversation on her. :armscrossed:


Besides, she makes good Target Practice with my Arrows. :D

Edited by daventry
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I freaking hate how Bethesda thought they could replace actual story quests with a lot of shitty radiant fluff. :yucky:



As True As That May Be...This Way The "Radiant" Quest Are Infinite...Cant Necessarily Constantly Keep Doing Mains , Without The DLCs...And It Makes It Easier To Get 1000 Gold At Level 35

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You might have missed a few contracts from Nazir. I'm not sure exactly when they become available, certainly AFTER you started the assasinations leading to the Emperor. Personally I only checked back with him after I moved in the new sanctuary and he had a few more contracts for me to kill. He tells you when he runs out of them so you'll know when those are over.

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