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Frequent Crashes with Mod Organizer


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Alright, three (really sort of two) things:

XPMSE should be one of the absolute last things loaded (i.e. at the bottom) and nothing should overwrite it. Also, you need to activate Realistic Ragdolls and Force and move it above (lower priority) XPMSE, as it's required for XPMSE.


You've got both Enhanced Character Edit and Racemenu, but despite what is often said, they are really not compatible. I would stick with just RM, as it's more up-to-date and provides all of the functionality of ECE. Other than that, you could do with rearranging your left pane a bit. It should pretty much exactly match your LO (besides notes made by myself and others).


EDIT: Immersive First Person View and Skyrim Enhanced Camera are not compatible. I recommend getting rid of IFPV.

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I have rearranged my pane just yesterday to match the load order.. It may be out of sync from Loot Sorting it again, though, I suppose. I'll remove Character Edit and get RRaF and XPMSE set up

To clarify, this does refer solely to the LEFT pane, right?

Edited by seatreader
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I have rearranged my pane just yesterday to match the load order.. It may be out of sync from Loot Sorting it again, though, I suppose. I'll remove Character Edit and get RRaF and XPMSE set up

To clarify, this does refer solely to the LEFT pane, right?

Correct. Also see the edit I posted.

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Still crashing when trying to load in to the world (Alternate Start - camping in the woods)


I load in to the original area fine, but it crashes mid-load when trying to transfer to the start area


Could the issue lie within the bashed patch I had to make for DSR to work? It has masters listed like SoS, Truestorms, Unique Uniques, etc because when I Installed it made me bash the entire overwrite folder into a Mod. Perhaps that could be part of the problem?

Edited by seatreader
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I used to use Mod Organiser while playing Skyrim, until I found out that all my crashes were todo with the virtual filesystem that MO provides.


Now I only use it to sort my mods to match the load-order, and only ever get crashes when I have removed some mods that I no longer wanted.


When memory gets reused for another purpose, half the time memory used by the virtual filesystem gets stolen, which obviously then breaks the virtual filesystem and files can no longer be accessed.


This is the source of most crashes when using MO

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That's actually really interesting information! I ended up having to completely uninstall skyrim and delete everything, then start over from scratch. I've had a lot of really good help, especially on the discord server and now I'm all set up and working on NMM

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  • 2 months later...

Hi guys i am having the same kind of issue's with MO but it is with an SKSE plugin i have tried various ways of getting it installed but it refuses to load into FNIS saying it is not installed and giving an error code once i untick the box for it FNIS works fine and runs to completion of setup.the only problem is my game crashes within 10 mins of loading or if i am unlucky it will not load the mods at all,I have tried making patches for conflicts but still have issues when it loads the mods,I am wondering if i can do away with the mods that involve sexual animations and just stick with graphic and follower mods as it seems to be a lot of trouble getting them to run,Anyone able to give a good mix of mods that will be fun and run on a fairly good PC,


PC specs

AMD HD7770 Ghz Edition 1gig ram

Asus A88 X Gamer MB

AMD Athlon X4 880k 4.2ghz

16Gig of 2400mhz Corsair vengeance pro ram

4 terrabyte HD

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I was having reproducable CTDs when launching game through ModOrganizer.

Here's how I fixed all the CTDs.


1. Back up your Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs from \Documents\My Games\Skyrim

2. Delete Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs from \Documents\My Games\Skyrim. Also delete the 2 ini files from \Mod Organizer\profiles\

3. Launch game through vanilla launcher and customize all the video settings to your liking.

4. Launch vanilla skyrim, load a save game if possible or start new game and then customize all game/audio/display options to your liking.

5. Exit the game

6. Copy your Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs to your \Mod Organizer\profiles\ directory. (This is where ModOrganizer is using game settings from).

7. Now start game through ModOrganizer


The only things that you may want to change are:

iPresentInterval=1 in SkyrimPrefs and field of view of atleast 90 in Skyrim.ini under [Display] fDefaultWorldFOV=90


Can't really speak for any other ini tweaks as a lot of them can cause CTDs so I wouldn't mess with them.



And that's it. I've got no more CTDs, game is rock solid now. It seems that ModOrganizer created some weird settings when I first installed it that caused constant crashes.

Edited by matas55
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