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Creepy mannequins are CREEPY!!! Look what mine did (scree


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I own the Solitude player house and always enter it through the lower level door, which looks down the hallway to where the mannequins are standing. I swear EVERY time I enter that cell from outside my mannequins look like they are off their pedestals and quickly jump back into place. I feel like yelling "Gotcha!!" at them! I am SO glad I don't find them upstairs, tho- that's a bit TOO creepy for me! :ohdear:
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Do you need a mod for this to happen ??


This has never hapenned to me at all . I admit i've never realy spent a lot of time in the basement of my house in solitude , all of my stuff is in Breezehome so my solitude house is still full of spider webs and not furnished lol. Poor Housecarl who lives there haha. I can't even remember her name . Or was it Ilia ??


Anyways, in my previous game i went there a few times to use the enchanting table but the two mannequins were always on their pedestal .

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The two Mannequins in Rifton do that all the time for me. Gets annoying after a while. My wife doesnt care about it at all >.>.


But happened only in the Rifton House for me so far. I also use the Dovakhiin Hideout mod with a LOT of Manequins and there such a thing never happened.


But for a more technical site: I guess, Bethesda was lazy and just made NPC with a Mannequin Texture that shoud stay there withhout anymation or KI kit.. But they are a bit bugged.

Edited by Cyrotek
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The two Mannequins in Rifton do that all the time for me. Gets annoying after a while. My wife doesnt care about it at all >.>.


But happened only in the Rifton House for me so far. I also use the Dovakhiin Hideout mod with a LOT of Manequins and there such a thing never happened.


But for a more technical site: I guess, Bethesda was lazy and just made NPC with a Mannequin Texture that shoud stay there withhout anymation or KI kit.. But they are a bit bugged.


Be fair dude, Bethesda have only been putting Mannequins in the game for the last couple of months. Us modders have been doing it for YEARS :D at least since 2002.

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