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Replacing textures of body in armor


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I'm trying to replace the default body skin with a customized one of a piece of armor inside Nifskope. I point to the new textures under the BSShaderTextureSet and I can see it works fine inside Nifskope. But, when I load into Skyrim, I only see the default skin texture.


Please help?



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There is probably a texture set being used to override the assigned textures on the mesh itself. Check the armor addon record for the armor in question. Any texture sets would be assigned to the individual nodes on the same window where you can assign the desired NIF file. If this is the case, simply remove the texture set entry on the affected node(s) so that the texture in the mesh file is used instead.

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Thx for the quick reply. I thought about that too but this is a custom piece of armor, and there shouldn't be any .esp that is defaulting it...

On a side note, changing textures 2 through 8 seems to appear in game (with varying degrees of success). Just texture 1 doesn't show. It's like that on all armors that have any parts of the body showing. I'm using the Demoniac textures but I don't think that overrides anything.

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Didn't see the paths in your image. Make sure all of your textures are within the texture folder. I don't know why but it seems that the game won't use textures that are not within the texture folder. You can create custom folders to house your textures, but they should be under the texture folder.


i.e. textures > myMod > somefile.dds

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I was lazy while swapping textures by using the purple flower button but I tried all path types, relative/absolute. no change.


But, I went back to your thoughts on the .esp and I went the opposite direction - I deliberately made a textureset to force the use of this skin - and it works!

So that means it is another .esp that is defaulting it back to the basic skin. Unfortunately it'll be near impossible for me to find out which one... sigh

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Instead of trying to change the nif textures, open the Armor's, ArmorAddon, under where you select the path of the nif, you will see Skin Texture Swap List, it overrides the default texture of any character naked skin wearing the Armor, but Torso only. So it's really only good for personal use, since it will conflict if the Textures Sets don't match, (head, hands) but it great for adding Armor Tattoo Skin for a little extra flare. (How I use it) So you will need to make a Naked Skin Texture Set.


To General Reader

I really don't recommend doing this if you plan on publishing.

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