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Uninstall Problem


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I recently downloaded these 2 mods

http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/18818/? Blacksmith forge water fix

http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/58061/? Enb water on horse trough


and i tried to merge them with http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69905/? merge plugins

Im pretty sure i messed it up and I cant uninstall them nor delete them anymore i can just manually uninstall them but then they still are in nexus what do i need to do ?


Im sry for bad english and grammar faults seriously i can read and understand mostly everything in english but with writing im having problems


I dont know what the topic title and the tags should be and i dont want to do I NEED HELP GIVEPLZ so i decided to write uninstall problem


if theres a log or sth i can attach afterwards tell me and ill try to :D ty for ur support


Edit:Somehow i made it :D i unintalled Blacksmith water forge fix i dont know how but before i made it it told me "the mod wasn´t deactivated"but enb water on horse trough still isnt uninstalling

I went to _overwrites and deleted the 2nd mod then i deleted to mod in my nmm mod dictionary as i started nmm it asked me to uninstall and now it works( i suppose it) but i dont know how to close the topic

Edited by Erkintotal
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The way I like to uninstall a mod through NMM is to right-click on the mod in NMM and then choose the uninstall option. Did you do this?


Also, you should deactivate the mod before uninstalling. Also, check the mod page's description for specific uninstall instructions.


Finally, you should not uninstall any mod that uses scripts if you plan to keep using your saves. (I realize you didn't have a choice in your situation, this is just general advice.) Uninstalling mods with scripts is fine if you plan to start a new game or at least revert to a save that did not use the mod(s) you uninstalled.

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