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Tytanis Mod Dead?


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There is a difference between required to post update news and being courteous and posting update news. I feel that if he was serious about continuing production then he would be using this time to perfect whats there and atleast have a small update. Hell there's more than a small update in just updating the included mods. And if he is not even willing to fix the few bugs he can do without the CK then he should have the courtesy to inform people on what progress is being made. Saying absolutely nothing is not very mature or professional and is anything but courteous. Personally I have dropped his mod completely and use the mods that are updated that were included. What do I get from that is basically the same thing without the cluttered crafting menu(that was a mess really) and all those mods being updated. And I am enjoying it way more than Tytanis and i probably wont get his mod again because of his lack of courtesy and professionalism. I really doubt he is actually going to do anything more with it, It really is a mess and I think he got tired of that. But that's all opinion.
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Well, that was the "not stated" reason I did not install Tytanis to date, being a compilation in this phase is at least a lot of trouble keeping all changes updated. Still I can see a future for this kind of work, if it becomes something like FCOM before it, something I can't really judge at this point. Edited by nosisab
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There is a difference between required to post update news and being courteous and posting update news. I feel that if he was serious about continuing production then he would be using this time to perfect whats there and atleast have a small update. Hell there's more than a small update in just updating the included mods. And if he is not even willing to fix the few bugs he can do without the CK then he should have the courtesy to inform people on what progress is being made. Saying absolutely nothing is not very mature or professional and is anything but courteous. Personally I have dropped his mod completely and use the mods that are updated that were included. What do I get from that is basically the same thing without the cluttered crafting menu(that was a mess really) and all those mods being updated. And I am enjoying it way more than Tytanis and i probably wont get his mod again because of his lack of courtesy and professionalism. I really doubt he is actually going to do anything more with it, It really is a mess and I think he got tired of that. But that's all opinion.


wow, you just come across as a huge douchebag with a false sense of entitlement.


how many modders refuse to release their work or continue with their work because of people like you?!


he doesn't need to say anything if he doesn't want to, you are not entitled to updates or posts or whatever.

he is not being paid to provide a service, all the mods are just hobbies to the modders and they don't owe you anything

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There is a difference between required to post update news and being courteous and posting update news. I feel that if he was serious about continuing production then he would be using this time to perfect whats there and atleast have a small update. Hell there's more than a small update in just updating the included mods. And if he is not even willing to fix the few bugs he can do without the CK then he should have the courtesy to inform people on what progress is being made. Saying absolutely nothing is not very mature or professional and is anything but courteous. Personally I have dropped his mod completely and use the mods that are updated that were included. What do I get from that is basically the same thing without the cluttered crafting menu(that was a mess really) and all those mods being updated. And I am enjoying it way more than Tytanis and i probably wont get his mod again because of his lack of courtesy and professionalism. I really doubt he is actually going to do anything more with it, It really is a mess and I think he got tired of that. But that's all opinion.


Get some perspective, will you :confused:


Seriously. he ISN'T proffesional, because he ISN'T being paid. He doesn't have an obligation to be mature, either. What's more, why do you demand courtesy and yet remain so uncourtious? It's not often I reply to comments like these but come on. He made this mod for free. You know how many times people do things for free in this world? Even when someone does you a favour, they normally expect a favour back. Yet here he is, giving you hours upon hours of effort for free and asking for nothing in return- and you sit here complaining he his uncourteous to you? Maybe, his mother just died, and he is greaving. Maybe HE died. Maybe no one died, and he's bored, and he's never comming back to modding again. Maybe he's been robbed, maybe he's having arguments in his family, maybe his internets broke, maybe he's just having a little break. There are a thousand reasons that he might not be catering to your curiosity, but even if he IS slaving away at the mod and not telling you what he's doing, or EVEN getting on with his life (like you) and not telling you why, what right do you have to complain? So uninstall his mod. Never install it again. Block him from your profile. Ignore every mention of his name, write "Tytanis" on a piece of card, stick it to your wall, and every night, throw knives at it, cursing the day that it even came across your life and slightly inconvenienced you. But damn, don't complain he is uncourteous to us.


This is not an attack on you. This is not even me trying to tell you off really, either- if, as you said, those are your opinions, then these are mine in retort to yours. As I said, I don't often reply to anything remotely like this, but I genuinely feel like you don't understand how unfair your being to him and by extension, every other modder that is giving their time to you unconditionally for nothing in return, which would stand to include me.




I realised I had just presumed you were never a modder when I wrote that (which seemed logical based on what you were saying) so quickly checked. You've released a good few mods yourself! Knowing this, I cant even begin to understand where you coming from in your post. Even if you personally updated your mod pages or had some kind of blog notifying people what you are doing to avoid offence, it wouldn't be right to demand the same of everyone else. And if you don't, what exactly is your angle here?

Edited by MysteriousMrBear
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WOW fanboys to the defense! Oh no someone dared state the truth that Tytanis is not showing professionalism and courtesy and they get all pissy about it. You dont NEED to be paid to be courteous and professional, It makes you a better person to be so. I said nothing about entitled to anything and clearly was an opinion.


But hey Fanboys, Tytanis can come defend him himself I doubt he needs Knights in shining armor to do it for him.

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WOW fanboys to the defense! Oh no someone dared state the truth that Tytanis is not showing professionalism and courtesy and they get all pissy about it. You dont NEED to be paid to be courteous and professional, It makes you a better person to be so. I said nothing about entitled to anything and clearly was an opinion.


But hey Fanboys, Tytanis can come defend him himself I doubt he needs Knights in shining armor to do it for him.


I expected this response, really...


I have never played Tytanis and infact I despise the concept of the mod, I would never use it. It's a bundle of things- some I may want, others I may not. Why would I install that? I would rather collect them one by one. However good it is, it would provide things I do not want. Furthermore, I have never spoken with the modder, or interacted with him in any way, I don't hold any insight as to his personality.


This does not change the fact that he has put lots of effort into his mod (like many modders) and has made many players happy. his mod is good work, I am lead to believe. And so it pains me to see people moaning about him in this way, simply because I know that you would hold the same opinion of anyone else doing the same as him- creating a brilliant mod, but not being vocal about doing so. I'm not having a go at you because of your attitude to Tytanis, I am having a go at you because of your attitude to modding.


In response to your comments on courtesy and professionally, lets get one thing clear- professional, in almost every use of the word, actually means someone who is paid. At least, that is the use I have heard most commonly. to be proffesional is to have a proffesion- something you are paid for. There are sportsmen, who play sport, and there are proffesional sportsmen- who are paid to play sport. So it is impossible, as far as I am concerned, for this man to be proffesional here.


As for courtesy, I can simply say- if your all for courtesy, why don't you show it and ask the man what he is doing, instead of coming here and posting these comments behind his back? :confused:


Bah. This is turning into an internet argument, and they are never good for anybody. I'm not going to say "lets agree to disagree" because I think its a stupid phrase, or end this post with a smiley as many do when they are tired of arguing, because that's empty and meaningless. But I will say that if all your going to do is call me a fanboy or some other hap-hazzardly guessed insult, or just re-iterate what you said before, then there is not much I will have to say in responce.

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To boot, let's not forget CK is nigh, so many modders are waiting for the release before diving deep in mods which not only possibly as PROBABLY will need deep changes if not "structural" changes to accommodate to the new patch and what CK may bring in terms of mod creation, access or facilities.


Don't blame anyone else for your own impatience, I have not seen any "official" announce the mod is dead or dying. It's still 6th at the most endorsed of all times, hardly a motivation to abandon the work. So, maybe the author is quitting the mod but that is not stated anywhere I know, and if it was the case I'm sure someone else would take the "burden" to continue it to become target of ungrateful people.


Be cautious for Nexus has a very tight policy about such things.

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The last thing i've read about Tytanis mod is that they were building up a big team of modders . They were mainly going to work on converting Skyrim to be able to play in Multiplayer mode up to 4 players . They were also going to add an Arena and create new dungeons. There was going to be PVE servers and PVP servers. And there was a whole bunch of other features that they discussed but i can't remember all of them.


I can't recall exactly the date that this annoucement was posted but i know i've read it fairly recently .


Now , maybe all of you guys were already aware of this , maybe not , i just thought i'd mention it since no one else did in the thread.


My best guess is that they are probably discussing the project and trying to figure out who will be in charge of what . And i'm sure that everyone will agree that in order to make such a huge project happen, they WILL need the CK.


I would be realy surprised if they simply decided to just drop everything so early after making such a huge annoucement.


Don't despair yet . I know that this CK thing is putting everyone on edge but fighting amongst ourselves will definatly not change anything and certainly not make it appear any sooner.

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I understand that we have no right to expect anything from Tytanis, but I gotta say I'm with Jet here. Tytanis made some big promises about daily updates. Would it kill the guy to let us know if he gave up, or if he's overhauling the whole thing (which is much needed), or if he's on vacation. He has hundreds of thousands of fans and that obligates him to a certain amount of respect toward them. I love this mod and without it, I might as well go play on XBox again. I just want to know why the daily updates haven't happened for almost a month and if I should give up waiting.
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