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So, uh... I'm new. But I guess that that's old information by now. Got Morrowind cause a friend had it- looked good, he said it was fun, and long... Really really loooong. But I guess we can all see that by now. Never really played games much as a kid- couldn't cause we had no system. Started a year ago. Played all different types, but after dropping $50 on The Matrix right when it came out, and after being horriblly disappointed two days later when the game was over, turned towards other things... ( that game really, really blew...) Played Half Life for the first time. Happy that it took FOR EVER to beat it. Then there was the original ChronoTrigger (love emu's). Hitman 2. And now this...

I've years of playing and frustration ahead of me- things that make it interesting- should I ever beat this. I only know two people who've played it- both avid gamers- and they never made it to the end... Couldn't stick it out... So as I begin, on my way to stealing a key, killing four guys in a pub (who kick my ass everytime...), and stealing some recipies from an alchemist, think of me... I'm a little wood elf archer who can bring people back to life.... But perhaps I will go further???


Wish me luck and a steady hand!

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Welcome, chill, stick to the rules and we'll love you. Learn the guarskin lute and the fat drum and meet us in Suran on Poets day.


BTW if I read your post right, I wouldn't go around killing NPC's until you have played most of the quests. Otherwise you can accidentally screw the game.

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If you got disappointed by matrix, the game. Try MAX PAYNE 1 and 2,

If your a matrix fan i promise you - you`ll love those. Slow motion, long game, fun, action, story - it has it all.


I like... i mean, i love Nonono i WORSHIP this game (Morrowind)

If you get frustrated try again and again, never give up - this game is worth all the money =)

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Well, you've entered into the gaming world at a good time my friend, graphics quality is doubling each year at the moment :D




Welcome to the forums, have fun and don't spam ;)




The reason those two never made it to the end is probably because this game has no end. The countless mods and such make this game neverending :D

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Well, you've entered into the gaming world at a good time my friend, graphics quality is doubling each year at the moment :D




Welcome to the forums, have fun and don't spam ;)




The reason those two never made it to the end is probably because this game has no end. The countless mods and such make this game neverending :D

But with new graphics comes new graphics cards [that are required].....


But that doesn' matter. Welcome....









BTW I completely agree with Chrono Trigger.....Near best game ever.

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no really...its nothing special from number 1, only bother with 1, play 2 if you dont mind the terrible scripts and stupid levels, its the biggest cash in excuse ive ever seen (bought it on x-box when it came out, ive lost faith in microsoft).


nevertheless...a nice list of games you should attempt to play


C&C Renegade, Multiplayer = something


OMF Battlefields, greatest fighting multiplayer, the only good fighting game too, sucks because in single player, you can upgrade your robot anymore.


Soldier Of Fortune 2, realism...a little gory...but fun (the jungle levels are a let down)


well, there arent many good games out now, half of them are a complete joke, theres one game i found interesting, its a big serious sam 2 clone, looks better, much more fun, its called Will Rock, find a demo lying around somewhere, its pretty fun..repeditive though :huh:


oh yeah, and when Doom3 comes out, PLAY IT, from the hours of footage ive seen, its gonna be a game of the year, and ignore half life 2, thats nothing special compared to it.


welcome to the forums, and enjoy your stay.

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Well thanks for all the imput! I don't generally just kill NPC's when I go around, and if I do and I find out that it was someone I wasn't supposed to kill, I make sure I didn't save, so i reload... Anyways, i only kill them when they come attacking me- that is IF I can kill them. But with the boots of rapidity, I just run the hell away. What I was speaking about, in terms of killing someone before I had other missioins, was this guy in Ald'rhun or where ever, who had acquired all these debts. I had a mission to get the money back, or the clothes and things, but I had no real way of doing it. So I killed him. (Needed the money). Well I didn't kill him, my character did. He wanted some money because he was feeling weak and without proper materials. He didn't know that people would know and change their attitudes. "No debt ever is worth the cost of a human life..." So a lesson was learned. He killed, though, because he was told to kill once before- for an 800 gold debt- so he thought this was normal. But he knows now it isn't and has changed his ways...

Often he goes on a mission only to find he is not capable of completing it, and he gets angry about that. Again and again, after levelling-up, he tries to clear the 4 Morag tong from the club in Balmora. But he has to revive himself afterwards... What can he do, an archer with no special magical talents, in an enclosed room? And how can he steal, when he his heard as he enters? Perhaps those answers will come with time, or perhaps those missions will be forgotten... The Névéraine is coming they say... And soon he will have to leave. He who is not from here... But who is he?


(Just as a note, I have not looked into any spoilers or anything like that. These are just assumptions made from what he told me. And of course, being in the newbie room, I would hate to hear anything that would ruin his story... ;-))


As for other games, I played the Max Payne 2 demo and I liked it, as well as the Will Rock demo (though I always got killed in the big arena-looking place...) As for Doom and quake, not so much a fan... I like UT tournament better, but even that I stopped playing. And Half Life 2- I'm definitely gonna play that!!! But it might have to wait because my computer sometimes has the jitters with Morrowind, and I haven't the money to upgrade. (Though I hope that I am not wrong in assuming that a GeForce4 Ti 4200 will serve me pretty well for a long time- like more than another year...)


Thanks for all your input!

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welcome!!! im not too new, i know my shizit and all, just only kill enemy NPC's and dont throw away any important documents, you say you're an archer, eh? i got me one a those mmhmm (but i called him a :ph34r: ninja :ph34r: ) if youre an avid sneak, you should join Hlaalu, just read other threads and stuff :help: and soon enough (well...maybe not THAT soon :stupid: ) hlaalu's sweet-arse stonghold will be yours, B! :innocent:


:shifty: :shifty: :shifty: :shifty: :shifty: :shifty: :shifty:

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