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Crash Fixes not working?


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After the endless ctd's someone suggested Crash Fixes and i have installed it but i have a problems.


For the screenshot






But here is my skse.ini






I also tried 768 too. Everyone says do not use papyrus log. Use crash log instead. Ok i want to use crash log but it not detects?




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You just need to edit the Crash Fixes ini. You can find Crash Fixes under SKSE plugins. After that you just run the game until it crashes and it will make a log. It would be better to follow basic modding guides for Skyrim to make sure everything is installed and set correctly. Then turn off mods in groups of two or three and check on NEW game. It is a long process if you have many mods. But, it is the only way. Once your Skyrim is stable, you can think about playing that old save. :smile:

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