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AWOP For FO4 Pros & Cons Official Thread


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I am the only (so far) poster here with only double digit posts, so you know I am a raw and untested new guy. With that out of the way, I would like to reiterate several things.


First, the Glowing Sea is a great place for expansive mods. There is precious little there and it can be expanded east all the way to the Atlantic (and beyond) if you need to.


Second, the DLC adds greatly to the depth of assets which are available. Use them at your discretion as there are already mods aplenty that require them.


Third, the need to enrich the Commonwealth with story is huge. You can only improve the game.


Fourth, don't let the voiced protagonist dissuade you from undertaking this task. I am sure there are many willing to provide the voicing of characters.


Fifth, please and thank you.

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AWOP, with TTWInteriors, was pretty damn good. The overpowered enemies was always a minus, as I completely hate the traditional RPG leveling system as a whole, but more space is good space.


With Fallout 4, it's not quite as bare as Fallout 3 and New Vegas. There are still plenty of boarded up houses that could do with some love (f*#@in' Concord, man); there's just not much need for sprawling dungeons and such, since they're plentiful enough.



As for dialogue, there are two ways I'd go about it:


The first, is to somehow edit the Message Box .swf file to have a scroll-bar for the text and choices, so you'd have plenty of space to work with. One downside to this, is that you'll have to attach fairly convoluted scripts to quest aliases, to get a reasonable dialogue workaround going.


The second, is to use this tool by yours truly, to quickly allow re-purposing of preexisting dialogue files. I used the latter in my Raider Communications mod. Having all the .fuz files with, ehm, intuitive names made the whole process plausible in the first place.



Personally, as someone with a compy that just can't cut it for Fallout 4, I'd rather see that big pile of land in western New Vegas be given some love. More TTW compatible content is always good.

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I was a big fan of AWOP. So by way of encouragement, I hope you go for it. My FNV and Skyrim games always seemed doubled in size by mods like A World of Pain and Interesting NPCs.


Perhaps you could take a look at Kris Takahashi's mod Tales from the Wasteland for ideas on how to make FO4's dialogue system work for any mod you are contemplating. He made use of many talented and eager voice actors with proven track records from other mods. The result was somewhat better voice acting than the vanilla game along with a smarter written dialogue, despite the limitations of player dialogue.


Wish the cavern assets from FNV and Skyrim could be ported over. No matter how you proceed, just know you are appreciated for your monumental AWOP.

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Thanks for the feedback everyone :smile:


After giving it some consideration I have decided not to include any NPCs with dialogue.

There are a couple of ideas I had for FO3 based on "SPCs" (for anyone unfamiliar an SPC is a paranormal anomaly and there is a fictional agency known as the SPC who deal with these phenomena). I had a lot of ideas based on various SPCs that would work well in the Fallout world such as certain buildings, monsters and ingestible items. Two of these were a couple of unusual vending machines. I wont go into much detail here (though I'll leave links to the videos that inspired me at the bottom), but they basically never run out of stock (much like those in The Sierra Madre). So I was thinking a similar vending machine system could be incorporated into FO4, maybe even several versions of the same machine spread throughout new AWOP areas. This could be used to replace vendors (to a certain extent) in those areas.

I'm not yet sure how to set up a system for selling/returning items in FO4 but I can picture a way (using terminals) for FO3. Hopefully it will be simpler than what I have in mind though.


Thanks for your comment about expanding FNV Firty. I'll keep that in mind. I have two ideas for new FNV locations. One is in the lower mid section of the map but the other would work well in the North West region somewhere. I lost a lot of work on an FNV update well over a year ago and did not want to go back and create the same locations again so I used most salvagable ideas in the current FO3 project. Besides those and improving the Monster Mod (and maybe adding more detail to The Underground) I don't plan to do much else to FNV, but ideas may come over time.


Thanks for the mod tip Moksha, but due to the lack of current voice acting in AWOP (and good actors who have come forward to offer help) I do not have a lot of faith in accomplishing the same as Takahashi. I also do not relish the prospect of having to learn how to actually add the dialogue alongside lip-synching and similar. If stuff like that gets added, it will probably be to fill out the mod after the major locations have been added.


VENDING MACHINE SPC INFO: [WARNING - Potential Spoilers Ahead]

The following is taken from a message I sent to Roy Batty explaining certain ideas I had for FO3 AWOP:


Appears at 2.55

Seemingly a coffee vending machine with a keyboard attached. Type in the name of a drink, in this case add 50 caps and the machine will dispense said drink. However as stated in the video if you were to type in acid or the name of an element/metal you would still be presented with a cup filled with a liquid version of what you had ordered.

This SPC in game would be limited to certain options but may be a good source of scrap metal. The only downside will be it's location, possibly on the beached Cargo Ship or in an alternate dimension in one of the other room portal based SPCs.


Appears at 29.25
This is a vending machine that vends random items of increasing value depending on how many caps are inserted.
The player should have the option to insert 10, 50 or 100 caps with a random object being vended specific to a list for each value.

E.g. 10 caps could net you a tin can, empty Nuka Bottle, Pre War Food (maybe even fresh), lockpick or other low value item (with food being the "prize" for this list)

50 caps would be Conductors, Sensor Modules, middle range stuff with the occasional bulk ammo drop or stimpak.
100 caps would be Stealth Boys, expensive ammo drops, alien ammo and other rare items.

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Roy pointed out a couple of things that I have not heard mentioned before, namely a pre-vis issue which impacts performance if you change anything in cells or worldspaces (how severe the effect is or why it exists I don't know right now). Also two mods cannot edit the same cell, only one mods changes will take effect... which will obviously cause problems with a mod like AWOP and will require some strategic pre-planning as to what areas are edited.

I tried to do a bit more research on these topics but I have not found any related message boards yet.

I edited the main post to reflect these new problems.

Keeping exterior edits to a minimum is not a problem and keeps in line with previous AWOPs, so that's not a massive deal so long as my minor edits are not too much for the game to handle.

As for the two mods not being able to share the edits to the same cell, this could be a much bigger problem., though I wont know how big until I see what other mods are out there and where they have edited, how big the individual cells are in the worldspace and probably other factors.

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Previs and precombined data are techniques introduced with Fallout 4 in order to help alleviate performance for such a heavy game on lower end computers and consoles. You need to reconstruct that data for the cell affected and the neighbouring ones as far as I can recall if you want it to function correctly.

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Thanks for the info Ethreon. That sounds quite complicated, with any luck it shouldn't be too hard though, though I guess I wont know until I see the problem/solution and how it all works in the Creation Kit and In-game.


Nah, it's literally an option in the main menu. World -> Generate precombined + Vis. Wait a few minutes, and done.


It's pre-computed static batching, with PreVis being pre-computed occlusion for the batched objects. You may also want to look at navmesh cutting, if you plan on making workshops.

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I was following this thread a little after it came out hoping to be able to see more posts. Is there any more info on if you're going to proceed djmystro? I've been googling for updates for months now and nothing.

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