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The Poison Master Build: How I played 1-30.


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I recently decide to build a character focused around poisons, and have gotten him to 31 thus far with ease. Here's some notes on the build:


Skills you'll be focusing on:

1 handed (or bow).







Early on, you won't be doing much pickpocketing aside from just trying to level the skill. You'll want to get the ability to reverse-pickpocket poisons as soon as you can (I've used this a number of times to soften up an enemy, it works great). If you're in a combat area/dungeon, SNEAK! Always sneak. Enchant as much gear as you can with sneak bonuses. Your sneak will end up being significantly higher than your other skills, so keep that in mind (you'll probably want to level them to within 10-15 points of your sneak skill if yo get too far behind).


With one handed, early on, I'd just recommend focusing on the main damage increasing perk. You can dual wield if you want to, but once you're sneak skill is high enough, you won't really be using it THAT much, and the perks aren't necessary. Later on pick up the boosts to power attacks if you feel so inclined. I haven't yet.


Your first 10 levels you should boost your health. After that, feel free to pump as much as you want in stamina/magicka, tossing some into health every couple of levels.


As far as perks go, there's a bit of wiggle room depending on play style. Your primary perks will be your base boost to damage/quality; always get those. Get your standard boost to poison and beneficial perks. You can also get the 2x usage of poison applied to weapons perk, as that can be useful in a pinch. Get 25% bonus to skill enchantments, and whatever the perk is that increases power of soul gems. Alteration you can hold off on, but at least get the Novice and Apprentice perks. Later on get the Mage Armor and spell cost reduction perks.


Get your sneak backstab perks. Those will be VERY useful. I myself just use a single dagger, occasionally dual-wielding a dagger with soul trap.


Regarding gameplay, just play like a squishy dagger-wielding thief early on. I recommend you complete the Thieves Guild ASAP, and then the Dark Brotherhood. After that, it's all up to you. Both will give you some nice resources and great gameplay for this type of character (especially the Dark Brotherhood). Dragon combat may be a little difficult if you went the dagger route, so I'd recommend getting a staff of chain lightning ASAP to help bring them down.


Once you get your alchemy skill up high enough you should keep yourself loaded with the best poison you can make (I recommend enchanting yourself a nice set of +alchemy gear), plus paralysis and invisibility. I'm currently creating poisons with ~75 points of damage. Combine that with the double usage poison perk, 15x damage from sneak attack, and the fact that you can soften them up with reverse pickpocket, you can kill just about anybody in game without even getting hit.

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I have no idea on how to poison (the potions are made, but how do I combine it with my arrows/dagger?) I hit with a Drawven Warhammer of Master Wielding or 2-handed Sword (clay-more) in CQC, and range use a one handed enchanted Daedric sword with Fire Rune in the right or a Elven Animus Bow.


Also, soul trapping is a good build. Touch and run (Fire cape/Frost Cape and Chain lightning) is ideal..I play mostly a Battlemage/Ranger with Rune/Ward Trapping.


Soul gems then would be used for enchantment. Another thing I wonder about is crafting. Where do I smelt ores? D:?

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Maybe using the "poison of weakness to poison" can help against dragons. What magnitude can reach with lv100 alchemy, fortify alchemy enchanted gear and perks lv100?


I have no idea on how to poison


Open your inventory -> potions section, click the poison you want and it will ask if you want the apply it to the equipped weapon. The next attack delivers the poison effect.

Edited by pastafrola
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