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I'm in bits.


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My beautiful black lab Faye had to go in for an operation today to remove three growths from her abdomen, turns out they were deeper than the vet thought and it was a tough operation.


Picked her up at teatime and she's a very poorly girl, I'm currently sprawled on the floor next to her bed with my keyboard as she starts to cry as soon as I move away from her, I wish I could take her pain.


Life is very unfair sometimes, she's been through enough, beaten half to death with a peice of timber by her previous owner, it took 7 months to get her well again (his other two dogs had to be put to sleep) and now this.


Gonna be a long night.




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My sister used to have a black-lab/greyhound mix. It was a beautiful dog.


It's always sad when something happens to your most loyal friend (animal or human; yes, yes - humans are animals, I know. But that's not the point! :P ).


Best wishes to you and Faye.

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Thanks guys.


She's had a bad couple of hours, think her anesthetic fully wore off and she had a lot of pain as she cried and cried, got hold of the vets and they sent some strong painkillers round for her.


They seem to be doing the trick as she's quietened down and even taken a little food (good sign) and she's now having a kip, I'm gonna get sprawled on the couch and see if I can do the same after spending a bit of time with my other dog Cookie (chocolate lab) as she's pretty confusled and doesn't understand whats going on.

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Well she's had a good sleep and I laid on the couch and watched her breathing, the difference in her since she woke up this morning is astounding, she had a quick drink and then sat at her food bowl waiting for a bit of breakfast as she usually does.


She's now trying to navigate her way round the house but thanks to that big collar she's wrecking the place, so she's been renamed Conehead the Barbarian.


A friends come round to look after her for a while so I can get some shuteye so I'm gonna crawl into my pit for a couple of hours.


Thanks again all for your kind words.

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