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The only two non-vanilla bows I have seen so far is the Fenris long bow and Thoridal, both of which are awesome and all, but they have hand guards that make them nearly impossible to actually use in game since it obstructs your view. I would love to see more bows though. Theres two in particular from TES4 that I would really like to be ported over...


Doomshard/Skelos - This is already a modders resource


Sci - Fi Fantasy Bow - I tried to contact the original creator for permission but they never replied. And they are Russian, so maybe they didn't understand me.


If someone could get one or both of these in skyrim format, that would be freakin awesome. I can get them in game as stand-alone mods, if someone can get me the compatible meshes.




And i dont want to beg or anything, but someone pleeeeease pick this one up. I want my bows back! lol.

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Nico's bows were always my favorites from oblivion, Sci-fi one not really my cup of tea. Regardless, I'd like to see more bow designs as the vanilla ones are a bit bland.... Crossbow would be cool, shortbows, or true longbows. I just would like more variety in weapons, for a Fantasy realm TES seems, i dunno, lacking in originality. The only truly interesting bow is the bound ones....


The bow i am currently using is



From the 'Cool items pack' on A site we've had to banlist because they continue to spam mod authors with advertising links, Dunno if its on Nexus.

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Yeah, the sci-fi bow is definitely a special taste bow lol. I think Skelos would be perfect for a Daedric wearer though, it totally fits in with that organic look that the daedric armor has going. Skelos was actually my most used bow of any. It really depended on what looked best though, if i was wearing dark armor, skelos for sure, but if i was wearing a lighter color armor, id use the scifi bow.


Another decent looking bow that kind of fits what im *currently* looking for would be the Mirage bow.


Mirage Bow - Which is yet another Nico bow, which is probably why i like it as well lol.

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Nico's bows were always my favorites from oblivion, Sci-fi one not really my cup of tea. Regardless, I'd like to see more bow designs as the vanilla ones are a bit bland.... Crossbow would be cool, shortbows, or true longbows. I just would like more variety in weapons, for a Fantasy realm TES seems, i dunno, lacking in originality. The only truly interesting bow is the bound ones....


The bow i am currently using is



From the 'Cool items pack' on A site we've had to banlist because they continue to spam mod authors with advertising links, Dunno if its on Nexus.


Damn! That's a massive bow! I saw a bow that big in a movie once (Black Robe something or other; took place in Amazon)

The archers had to lay on their backs to get a good draw. (Yeah I copied and pasted my comment from the image page; its that wild)


The Mirage Bow looks interesting. My initial thought was he had it backwards. It would be a great recurved-composite bow if it was the other way IMHO.


As for the Sci-fi/compund, it might work with an Assassin of something, maybe Nightingale (looks very modern with some different textures)


I'd like something I don't need to max my smithing tree too early. I filled it out by level 40, just to see what cool toys I could make.

How about a Bound Bow that isn't so bright? It messes up my low-light vision (quite doable with the lights out, even with a darker dungeons mod)

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