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Bare Necessities Issue


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Hello all.


Long time player, first time trying to mod. Trying out Bare Necessities.


I've gone an installed all the requirements listed in the ReadMe (CodePatch & Script Extender).


But when I go to load or start a new game get this message:


"Expression Error


Unable to find object "mc_garlic" in script




Where did I go wrong?





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"mc_garlic" sounds like a Morrowind Crafting-added item. Check the Bare Necessities read me to see if that mod's needed or you've a patch plugin loaded you don't need


[Edit: And, AFAIK, an error like that will stop the script from executing. It sounds like the main Bare Necessities script too]

Edited by Dragon32
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Have you enabled "TheBareNecessities_MorrowindCrafting.esp" or "TheBareNecessities_TamrielRebuilt+MorrowindCrafting.esp" without actually having Morrowind Crafting enabled?


That'll be the problem.

That did it, thanks!


However, I'm able to feel and cure the effects of being Tired and Hungry...


BUT, I don't seem to be able to cure Thirst by getting in water and I'm not sure where to find any empty bottles or wells...

Edited by pallidsaladthallid
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Don't play the plugin myself so I can't really help with that. Maybe post in the mod's Discussion thread? Or at least have a read through a bit and see if anyone else has had the same issue and fixed it.


There's a well in Pelagiad in the vanilla game. Ebonheart too, IIRC.

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