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Tamriel is already made


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Most of use regard this 'factoid' as just a model in scaling to ensure the relative ballance of Skyrim in relation to other national borders. In order to do so, you have to create at least a portion of that province, in proper scale, to ensure that the inter-province borders are appropriately sized. In other words, it means nothing.


It's a great base for modders to work off of, mind you, and if you're interested, i suggest looking at thebennster's link.

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Side comment...what is with the sites font? Tried to read it, but it gave me a headache because half the letterings missing. Tried zooming in/enlarging the text and the blurryness just got bigger. is it just my computer?
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i took away the borders in game and went there, problem there is that u need to have fly cam all the time or u will just fall thought the goundmesh

entirely new collission is needed there

Edited by theru
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Actually, Tamriel is not already made. There's only distant LOD and a heightmap, nothing else. Theres also only parts of Highrock, Hammerfell, Cyrodiil, and Morrowind.


It's still closer to "made" than "not available" at least ^^

retextures, new meshes for the biological part, and buildings..that is if the ones who are going to make mods out of this want things to be unique and different from skyrims already excisting plantlife and buildings.

I guess some biomes modification would also be necesarry to give players the feeling that they're actually not in skyrim anymore.

I also think makine a new area would need it's own cell or else we would have some performance issues i think.

The modders who take this task will have a lot to do, thats for sure, but just having those lands explorable with minimal quests would be enough for me to be honest.

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