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several newbie questions


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Hello there,


at first I'd like to thank you all for those mods and stuff. Then I want to apologize for my bad english and my stupid questions.

I started modding skyrim yesterday, so I behave like a kindergarden-kid putting random legos together.


I use the modd organizer. I have two of those skeleton mods (just one activated). I have both, because I didn't know wich one to use, but it seems to work.

I have bodyslide and outfit studio, cbbe, HDT, FNIS (does not work), racemenu, some followers (just one activated), skyUI, SKSE (of course), a skin mod with compressed textures (my laptop is not the best, but maybe I could use uncompressed) and maybe something I forgot.


I had to mess around with the loading order to see the CBBE sliders in the racemenu. That should give you an example of how unknowing I am.


So. I installed FNIS like in the video description on the nexus page. If I run skyrim, it says that it does not work. In the video description the guy had some files in the override. I did not.


Then, I have no "bounce" or "jiggle", but no error messages related to it. I really don't get those loading orders, to be honest.


Then I wanted to ask if I can "run" more than one follower and put them in my home.

I also wanted to use a texture mod (for the whole game to look better). Which one should I use and in which loading order.

I am also running around naked or (when using armor) vanilla.

Are there some cool armor packs, with more than one armor.


Do you have some other tips?


Thank you guys


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You are right. Now I have the right walking animations. Thank you for that.

Now vanilla NPCs are "jiggly" but me and my custom follower not.

When I have a weapon in my hand, my body is somewhat "distorted". The same for the follower, while crouching.


Again: Thank you for your help and sorry, if my english causes some misunderstanding.

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You only need XPMSE. It is the upgrade for XPMS.


You should download and run LOOT to sort your mods. I do not use Mod Organizer but I know ( I think) that you should not run LOOT from MO but instead, run it from the desktop.


In order for you (assuming you are running a female) to jiggle, you need an armor mod that allows jiggling ( HDT ). Double check to make sure you have all of the required files for XPMSE as well as any other mod you use.

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You should download and run LOOT to sort your mods. I do not use Mod Organizer but I know ( I think) that you should not run LOOT from MO but instead, run it from the desktop.




Actually, you do run LOOT through Mod Organizer just as would be done for FNIS, xEdit, the Creation Kit, or any other third party program. If ran from the desktop, LOOT would not recognize any plugin loaded by Mod Organizer and thus only sort the base game plus any DLC.


What, I believe, you are referring to is the built-in sort option available just above the load order. In the screenshot above it is labeled "Sortieren" or "Sort" for the English localization. As I understand it, this sort option relies on code from an older version of LOOT and thus has been recommended not to be used.



You should not need NetImmerse Override. As I understand it, RaceMenu has that completely incorporated now. Feel free to double check the RaceMenu documentation and/or description page to confirm.

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@Kroekr I mean th NPCs. My follower is a custom one now.


@IsharaMeradin: I read that I should use it in one of the mods description. I can't find it anymore.

I will try to not use it.


I ran LOOT through MO.


I thank you all very much. I find this whole thing very interesting.

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