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Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood are boring


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I found the Thieves Guild in Skyrim quite the let down too....there's something honorable about the Thieves Guild in Oblivion and has in my opinion the best final quest in Oblivion....Skyrims Guild are just Black Briar lackeys shaking down Shop Keepers in their spare time.


As for the Dark Brotherhood, I can't speak for their quests as I am taking too much joy in killing Astrid in the Abandoned Shack....I am loving the ability to destroy the Dark Brotherhood in Skyrim....I hated not being able to do so in Oblivion.

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I played Skyrim in all sorts of routes. From being a saint to all the people in the Skyrim world, to being a down right menace on everybody I crossed paths with. I did the Theives Guild, and the Brotherhood, and not only it gets boring very fast. But their daiilies are infinite, just like every Guild/school you go to. You can be a GM with all factions very fast, and after that, you are left with the same old boring dailies, although you might be the GM of all factions, you still have NPC's treating you like an outsider, with all their same repeatable quests constantly. Bryniolf will no longer acknowledge you any more when you are the GM of the Theives Guild. Weird, he goes from forceing you to join thier guild to acting like you are a nobody after all you did for the guild, and this goes to all the members left in the theives guild, they all still disrespect you after you are the GM, and they still want you to do their dailies from Vex, and the other dude.


I still can not figure out why the guards tell me I have fur growing out of my ears still, when I cured the Werewolf curse long, long ago, Still Farkas has not asked me yet to cure him, when I still have a couple of witches heads left. His brother asked me right away, and after 50 hours of doing Farkases boring dailies all the time, still has not asked. I think all these guild daily quest might be bugged or something. The dailies have to end sometime with in the guilds and being the GM. So far the same old quests seem infinite.

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in my opinion the tg in skyrim is far superior to the one in oblivion, i mean... they r thieves!! ...they dont need some s*** like honor... "oh i killed somone my bad... now i have to put that priceless ring of yours back to your pocket because i feel guilty!!" what the?!! ...but i know what you mean in oblivion the quests had a kinda epic touch to them... skyrim in campare is just another adventure-fighting quest without any real stealthy feel to it!


but i kinda liked the db in skyrim. in oblivion i ever thought that the db is awfully boring cause it where just some quests with no connection the other ones and it had the worst ending ever... but i realy loved the morag tong in morrowind... but i cant bring myself to remember the quests themself... only thing i still know is that they had this special assassin feeling to them... i mean... if you where in the morag tong you realy WHERE somone and not just somone but an official killer working for the government... how cool was that back then!! ...haaah... maybe i should play it again... still have it installed on my pc... but i dont play it sincce...well...i realy dont know... but it must be a little time^^

i realy hope for a dlc that brings the morag tong to skyrim... i mean if i remember right morrowind isnt far of from skyrim and it seems to be kinda "shitty" there now with the things going on with red mountain and stuff...


well whatever im off now playin a little round of morrowind^^ enjoing peststorms and killing corpus-zombi-guy-things xDD



ps. oh yeah if you find any mistakes... keep them i ve got enough of then since i am actually a native german speaker^^

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While I think most of your points are valid...


You're being ridiculous. Go play Companions and Cave Trolls if you're not happy with the Thieves Guild. It's a guild of criminals, which span from muggers to cat burglars. The main quest line is only for those who need to be top dog - I bet none of you really understood that you were not supposed to rush the quest line, and that you were supposed to take the Odd jobs? I did twelve odd jobs (at least) between each part of the main quest, and guess what? I really enjoyed myself. When you do the odd jobs, you get this "They really trust me to do this important mission for them, now that I'm proven." The main quest was meant to be a "Hey, we have a problem. Can you help us take care of it?"


Oh, and for general informational reasons - the No Kill rule only really affects the Odd Jobs. If you kill on one of those jobs, you'll have to pay blood price.



My no-combat thief filled the Thieves Guild roles spectacularly. Felt accomplished. Needed. Had a purpose, especially considering that in a game where combat is nine-tenths of the experience. When it came time where I needed to kill somebody, I hired some muscle and I stayed cloak and dagger while the muscle did the gutting. That's how a real thief does it. Thieves Guild is for thieves, not jacks of all trades.


:EDIT: And I thought Mercer Frey was the absolute perfect guildmaster. Hell, I even liked the fact he was ripping off the guild - that's what real criminals do. I just wish he hadn't killed anyone and y'know, didn't have to run. Shoulda been more like him in the guild.

Edited by Ashven
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I prefer the Skyrim Thieves Guild over Oblivion because of the difference, actually. The Skyrim thieves guild at least feels like a crime syndicate. It's less of Robin Hood's Merry Men trolling mean old guardsman Lex and more about strictly business. Although some elements of honour, or rather professionalism, certainly fits well in the thief-archetype, I found it odd that Cyrodiil's strongest organized crime syndicate felt more like an inefficient resistance movement, too busy with aiding a few shacks down the docks to bother with business. It was another case of being shoe-horned into a valiant hero-role for me.


The Skyrim-TG at least have you go intimidating and racketeering a few people, like a group of mobsters would.


"Honour? Look, mate... You know who's got a lot 'a honour? Blokes who bludgeon people with others gods than them to death with steel gavels. Professionals have -standards-! Be polite. Be efficient. Have a plan to steal everything you see!"


-Razhid, "Used spelltome dealer".


As for the Dark Brotherhood, I haven't actually checked them out yet. I'm a bit worried they'll be leaning a bit hard on the "Raaaar, evil cult! Hail Sithis!"-shtick as opposed to the professional murder-shtick, but I'll have to find out first.

Edited by Kazakovich
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As for the Dark Brotherhood, I haven't actually checked them out yet. I'm a bit worried they'll be leaning a bit hard on the "Raaaar, evil cult! Hail Sithis!"-shtick as opposed to the professional murder-shtick, but I'll have to find out first.


Actually, you'll find that the DB storyline revolves around the conflict between those two elements of their identity. The downside is, you don't get to choose what side you're on.

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If you are doing the Thieves Guild last there are too many houses you already have access too, some of which are empty and respawn contents making 500 gold piece Bedlam jobs too easy and dead owners can't catch you.
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