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Saddle Bags


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One of the biggest buzzkills in Skyrim is when you're out doing quests or exploring and a dragon rolls up. You proceed to murder his ass and loot dem bones and scales only to become over-encumbered and forced to stop what you're doing and go make space at your pad or sell your swag in a town. As a rogue I don't use companions/pack mules so pawning junk off on my horse would be a good alternative.
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One of the biggest buzzkills in Skyrim is when you're out doing quests or exploring and a dragon rolls up. You proceed to murder his ass and loot dem bones and scales only to become over-encumbered and forced to stop what you're doing and go make space at your pad or sell your swag in a town. As a rogue I don't use companions/pack mules so pawning junk off on my horse would be a good alternative.

Good idea! However whenever trying to create a mod you need to play devil's advocate to see the potential flaws, and one major one I foresee right away is the fact of what happens if you misplace your horse or it dies and rolls off a cliff? Can't tell you how many times my horse has vanished into thin air or died fighting something 100 miles in the opposite direction -.-.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Skyrim definitely needs a mod like this. Together with the possibilty to give your horse orders - they always get in the way when I'm fighting, and companions are even more annoying. There should also be a way of calling the horse back to the player, for example by whistling. A perfect combination would be one order that sends the animal fleeing (in order to get it away from the battle), and then calling it back afterwards. I used mods like that in both Morrowind and Oblivion, I miss it so much right now.
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