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Haley gone missing in Point Lookout!


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Hi all, I've got this problem where Haley has disappeared from the store in Point Lookout. I have tons of loot to sell him and could use some repair services.


Any ideas how I can get him back? I have tried player.moveto with both his base id (x00ea7d) and his ref id (x00ea80)


Any other console commands that might work?



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OK, I've done more digging and found a "solution" to revive a missing NPC. It involves the following:


  • prid <referenceID>
  • kill
  • resurrect
  • disable
  • enable


However I can't get past the 1st command.


I read that you have to prefix the referenceID with the "mod index" that you can find in FOMM. I have done that in many different forms and still always get the error:


"SCRIPTS: Script 'SysWindowCompileAndRun' line 1: Item 'xxxxxx' not found for parameter


where xxxxxx is whatever I type for referenceID.


I did find that Fallout3.esm was not the 1st in mu load order so I changed it, but that did not fix my problem nor change the "mod index" of Point Lookout. One thing I just thought of is this, does the load order of mods remain constant or do you have to launch fallout 3 from FOMM to get the order to "stick" as you have it defined?


This is really annoying me! If anyone can suggest ANYTHING I'd be very appreciative!

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launch fallout 3 from FOMM to get the order to "stick" as you have it defined



The vanilla Fallout 3 launcher isn't suited at all for this sort of thing. Refrain from using it.


If your load order is correct (and you have all the DLC's) PL's .esm should be 05 in your mod index.


So that means that Haley's ref-id is/should be: 0500ea80


After successfully selecting him via that console command, all you need to do is use the following console command: "moveto player"

This moves Haley directly to your position, so make sure you're inside what passes for his house/shop.

Alternatively you could also use: "player.moveto" to see where he went.


Source: Gamebryo console commands

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