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Does CK = New dungeons ???


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Hey fellow Dragonborns !!


Just one thing that came up to my mind and i could of course wait till the CK actualy comes out before asking but i'm bored and there is no harm in discussing the matter now anyways hehe.


So basicly i was wondering if you guys think the CK will offer tools to create new dungeons ? And while we're at it, maybe even new creatures and new abilities .


The reason i ask is because i've been having a bunch of ideas for a new dungeon and i've been searching the web for tools to create my own dungeon but i haven't found anything .


Another question i've been asking myself is, let's say it is possible to create dungeons with the CK, is it going to be a software like blender where you have to model everything yourself and then add your own textures ? Or is it gonna be a bit easier to use kinda like a programm that gives you a bunch of pre-made shapes and forms and a list of textures that they used to make the game ?


Only reason i ask is because there are so many people talking about the CK as if they actualy knew what it is . I'm kinda assuming that some people DO know what it is .


I realy wish that i can work on my crazy dungeon once the CK is released because i know i have a lot of potential when it comes to creativity . I used to play Spore which is a game that allows you to create your own creatures and your own adventures and then share them with other players. I know most people think Spore is for kids and when people think about Spore, they automaticly see those cute little pokemon style creatures. I do admit that there is a lot of those cute little creatures in spore because the game was basicly made for that . But with a little imagination , you could actualy create some pretty nasty looking monsters and i have a few nice videos to prove it on youtube.


Regardless, i'm just saying if the CK is like any other 3D modeling software , i probbaly won't be doing anything with it but if it offers premade shapes and textures and an easy to learn and easy to use interface, then i realy can't wait .

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CK is not a 3D modeling software, it's somewhat similar to SkyEdit and TESSnip (plugin editor). I believe it will me more like Fallout's GECK. It doesn't allow creating/editing models, it only uses vanilla ones and/or user-made (user-made = made with a 3D Moddeling software like blender). You can make dungeons however, but you're limited to the vanilla wall/floor/ceiling segments you can place in the Render window. Edited by Werne
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CK is what Bethesda used to create the game world with. Meaning: yes, you will be able to create your own dungeons. You will be able to create new books or any other items. You will be able to place it all where ever you want. You can change the parameters of already existing items. You will be able to make everyone ugly...

But keep in mind that CK does not offer any 3d or texture editing tools.

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Thanks to each and everyone of you who replied . You all answered my questions and not only did you answer it , you actualy gave me the answer i was hoping for .


Thanks all for making my day lol.





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You was right at pointing the CK is not for modeling, just that creating the dungeons is reusing already created templates in new combinations (sometimes using new created (elsewhere) templates)... so everyone is a tad right there and a bit less wrong :)

Edited by nosisab
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Adding to this, I heard in one of the earlier videos that the dungeons are all handcrafted... makes me wonder if this CK will have more dynamic world building tools as opposed to using a set number of "world pieces" to put together. Hope so.
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Well since dungeons in skyrim are pretty much all eihter Caves, Tombs where ancient nord societies are burried or Dwarven cities in ruins i realy don't mind using anything that they already used in the current dungeons. To me this means that any new dungeons created by modders will be Lore Friendly.


As long as we can create and furnish our own rooms , create our own layout, decide how big we want our dungeon to be , how large we want our passages to be , add water in certain places, add traps and set the damage on them ourselves, set certain events to be trigerred by certain actions , use puzzles etc... then i'll be happy.


For encounters i'm kinda hoping that it will be as easy as drag and drop , then set them to eihter patrol a certain area or to guard and stand still or to wake up whenever the player gets close enough to it . Now of course i hope there will be more options than the few i mentioned but those are only examples .


If the CK can realy be as easy to use as i'm starting to think it will be then you guys can expect an awesome new dungeon somewhere in the following month. I say month because i'm giving myself enough time to practice fool around with the program, then create the dungeon and then test it to make sure there aren't any bugs or glitches and make sure that everything works perfect. I also wanna try and make it start with a quest so i'll have to figure that part out as well.


Damn , why the hell did you guys have to reply to my post ???? now i'm officialy part of the people who can't wait for that damned CK lol. Up untill today i didn't realy care and now i do . I hate you all for that . hahaha !!!!!

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