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Does CK = New dungeons ???


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Hey, Krawll, have you ever played LittleBigPlanet?


That game has an insane amount of tools you can work with, and the second one offers at least 3 times more potential for making awesome levels.

I've put a huge amount of time into that game, creating levels, vehicles, robots, and anything else you can think of.


I guess it's kind of off topic, but you seem to really like making levels, so I thought I would mention it, in case you hadn't heard of it.

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IF it ever comes out, you can expect a landslide of new mods to smother the already existing mountain of mods available.


But, to leave this as a friendly post, and not start a flame hurricane, I'll just leave it at that.


*taps foot.... almost February...*taps foot*

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Hey, Krawll, have you ever played LittleBigPlanet?


That game has an insane amount of tools you can work with, and the second one offers at least 3 times more potential for making awesome levels.

I've put a huge amount of time into that game, creating levels, vehicles, robots, and anything else you can think of.


I guess it's kind of off topic, but you seem to really like making levels, so I thought I would mention it, in case you hadn't heard of it.



No i've never heard of that game . Is it a recent game ?


well i guess i can google it or check it out on youtube , i'm sure there are vids of the gameplay somewhere. Thanks for the heads up but depending on how old the game is and the kind of graphics it offers, that will play a huge part on whether i'll try it or not.

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IF it ever comes out, you can expect a landslide of new mods to smother the already existing mountain of mods available.


But, to leave this as a friendly post, and not start a flame hurricane, I'll just leave it at that.


*taps foot.... almost February...*taps foot*



Indeed. There will be a huge flood.

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Ok so i just checked it out and well. It's just not my type of game realy. I would never judge anyone who enjoys this kind of game but it's simply not for me .


I know there are a lot of people who enjoy that kind of "cute" and "funny" game . I'm somewhat the opposite . For example, some people have created mods to remove all spiders in Skyrim and replaced them with bears and other created mods to remove blood splatters during fights and other have removed the death blow animations . I'm assuming that those people have a hard time watching any form of violence and they can't stand the sight of blood and are easily creeped out by anything that looks like a spider.


I'm the total opposite , i actualy had a tarrantula as a pet for 2 years and i would handle her while watching TV lol. I would be the kind of person to increase the amount of death blow animations instead of removing them. And my latest Skyrim character was a Death knight and i made sure to make him look as creepy as he could possibly get .


That being said, i'm sure you can figure out how Littlebigplanet is not realy a game for me hehe.


No offence intended.

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.It's not that hard but still not just click and play. Understanding how the quests are created, the dialogs integrated, a few condition tests and something like it. Knowing scripting helps a lot in most situations but in the end you'll see it looks harder to explain than using the blessed thing :)
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That being said, i'm sure you can figure out how Littlebigplanet is not realy a game for me hehe.


No offence intended.


Oh, don't worry about it.

I didn't think it was the type of game I would like until I played it. Then my creativity got the better of me. :whistling:

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I have never seen someone ask for EXACTLY what the creation kit is likely to be... like literally almost every you have said, the CS for oblivion did perfectly :P Some of it is difficult to get your head round and it does take a lot of learning at times but once you know what your doing... your unstoppable, seriously :P Look forward to it!! Be excited!!! It will be awsome!!!!!
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