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First time bug for me can't get county crossing mission?


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I have gone through half the vanilla game quests already killed kellogg joined the BoS recruited or captured most of the settlements for the MM but still I don't get the mission to help county crossing? I go there and the two settlers are always doing just fine talking to them only gets the usual greeting dialogues no requests for help. I only have warwick homestead and murkwater and oberland left maybe one or two more nothing else. I altered some bushes and shrubs at country crossing in a small mod that simply disables some things that can't be scrapped or disabled in game like those bushes at the corner of the crops there and some junk just outside the build border and those power wires that are really hard to disable in game. I checked my mod with FO4EDIT to be sure it is ok by cleaning it. Removing those bushes can screw up a quest really? Maybe it is a vanilla bug? I noticed if I play the game for six months in game time or more it tends to screw up after a while.

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