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Oblivion crashes on startup


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Hi all


Recently, Skyrim stopped working for me. Not sure why, looked around for solutions but none worked yadayada so I gave up.

Instead, I thought I'd get back into Oblivion. Little issue though...


For some reason, when I try to launch Oblivion, I get the startup menu where the game automatically senses your hardware and then set settings accordingly. But once I click the play button, the game crashes. Almost always. The game doesn't recognize my hardware so it automatically sets it to medium, but knowing my computer can handle ultra, I set it to ultra. And once again the game crashes.


I have managed to get it to work once or twice but it's just completely random when it works and when it doesn't. I've tried removing the Oblivion folder in /mygames but it hasn't worked so far.

It's really really weird because 9 times out of 10 the game will crash but sometimes it works - but only with medium settings. I'll start the game and it will work but when I close it down and start it the exact same way again it'll crash.


I'd also like to point out, I'm trying to get it to work with OBSE but the game will crash even without it so I doubt that's the issue.


Any help at all is appreciated, thanks.

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I'm having this exact same issue. I have no mods installed, and it's definitely not a spec problem. I've tried running it in compatibility for Windows XP, nothing. It just crashes and I get the popup "A problem has caused Oblivion to stop working. Please wait while Windows checks to see if there is a solution..." And of course, there's never a solution. It won't even tell me what the problem is. I am getting very frustrated. >.<

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  • 2 weeks later...

Starting to notice a trend here. I have a similar problem. I did a fresh install, no problems there. But then I installed OBSE and about 120 mods. Now the game crashes on start up. I used the little OBSE test mod, but it isn't telling me anything. Tried to startup with all mods disabled, and... Crash! I'm at a total loss for what to do next.


P.S. I have done all of this with oblivion before without issues.

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Never seems to fail ... install a crap load of mods at once and you have no idea where to start troubleshooting the inevitable problems.


Install one mod to a working vanilla install and test thoroughly before installing the next mod and when you run into problems you have a trivial matter to figure out where to start troubleshooting.

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Well, I found out that red checks are my problem. But that means masters are missing, which isn't true in my case. For example I have KOTN installed, but the "unofficial knights patch" has a red check. How is this possible? (Yes, KOTN is before the patch...)
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Do you have all the master esp/esm files activated? I know this is a dumb question, but if the master list for the esp file in question (in the right side panel in Wrye Bash) shows some masters as missing even though you have them all installed, then that would be it. Other than that, are you sure the colour is red and not orange? Orange means the masters have a different order in your current load order than defined in the esp file itself. Just checking. And this is for Wrye Bash, right?


Other than that, if at all possible, it might be handy to indeed start adding one mod at a time - starting with the unofficial patches. That way you would also have a chance to figure out what it is, exactly, that is going on with the KotN and such, before even trying to add anything more to the game. I know it sounds a bit slow, but common sense dictates that it can end up being the faster way. Even if you had modded Oblivion before, it is possible that something small has changed and that something small is causing all sort of issues when you load up all the mods that worked, for example, two years ago together (or maybe some configuration file or an install order is a bit different than it was last time). But if you think it is something small and that you can crack it without uninstalling and re-installing everything one by one, then go for it! :thumbsup:

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