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New to Modding


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I don't know how else to put this, but I am new at modding, and can't seem to get help on this site in creating a mod. Maybe I am asking the wrong questions, but I am 70 years old, and also have problems understanding some concepts. I have created a few weapon mods for myself, using tutorials from other modders, but when I ask for a specfic question, I don't seem to get the answer I am looking for. I have looked a dozens of tutorials on making settlements, and so on, and still am having problems. I would just like it if someone could just give me a straight answer. Is that to much to ask for. Case in point. I looked at a tutorial on making Echo Lumber bigger, but the author never showed hoe to check which .esm to put first, or anything else. I need help. Please.

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I don't mod weapons so I can't help with that but, if I may suggest try asking your questions in the creation kit forums. You may just not be getting replies because the right people just aren't seeing your question.


Be very specific about what you've tried, how you've failed. The more it looks like you've actually made an effort the more likely it is that people will be willing to help. The Help requests that start with "TELL ME EXACTLY HOW TO DO XYZ" almost never get responses.

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Gonna take Echo Lake Lumber example.

That's Far Harbor, right?

(Still haven't gotten there, heh)

You've got the Creation Kit?

(Sorry, some people use FO4Edit for some things, so just double checking)


After opening Creation Kit, go to file>data, and double left click DLCCoast (Far Harbor), and that should be the only esm you need.


It depends on what it's using for the build area.

Right click the workshoworkbench, choose Edit and go to the Linked From tab to check if one says "workshoplinkedprimative" and "buildable area" or something similar, then double click that one.

You can try expanding (left click>number key "2" ), both outward and downward (and/or upward even), the defaultemptytrigger (or maybe you found out exactly which trigger to adjust by doing the above).


Maybe that helps you out with one? I'm not the best explainer, heh, more of a teller.

I'd offer my settlement thread, but it's not as active as it once was.


As for other stuff, yeah, most of the time things go unanswered because, well, I don't know actually.

Busyness, smaller community, differing time zones, no one knows how the heck to do what I'm asking about either...all of the above? C'est la vie.

I don't get stuff answered sometimes either ( *cough*skeletons*cough* ), but it doesn't hurt to come back to your thread and make a new reply saying you've "now tried this other way and that still didn't work, hmm", and that will both show that you are trying to fix your own problem and bump the thread up to the top without being obnoxious about it (like some people who "bump, bump, bumpitty bump" ). =)


Edit: Lots of edits, because my memory is shot and I can't remember how to do even something I've written a guide'ish type thing about, hah!

...I've made myself sad. =(

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(and this is how you bump a thread without being obnoxious, not that you are obnoxious, heh)


So, I looked at EchoLake (because I like this example)...and I can see how one could get confused as there are several "buildablearea"'s.

If you go to the settlement in the Creation Kit, the large purple buildarea marker that defines the bulk of the build area (centered pretty well over the center of the settlement) is probably the one you want to adjust/expand with the "2" key.


Remember, the green, Christmas'y looking ingamevisual border is not the actual buildable area (in this case and many others), it's those purple'ish ones (again, in this case).

...sometimes they are red boxes, heh.

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Thanks a lot you guy's were helpfull. I have one more question. I followed a modders video on how to create a weapon mod, and put it in a container anywhere in sanctuary hills. That is why I was wanting info on Far Harbor. Thanks again. I might just be able to create a mod yet. Thanks again.

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Maybe I'm missing your "I have one More Question" but if it's how to make a new container for your item then,


  1. find a container you want to use in the object window (For example an ammo box)
  2. Open the form and at the top rename the form ID to "MyAmmoBox" or whatever you'll remember.
  3. In the right side of the window you'll see a list of the containers contents if any.
  4. Find your new object in the object window and drag it into that list of contents.
  5. click ok at the bottom of the window and the Ckit will ask if you want to create a new form?
  6. Click Yes.
  7. find your new container in the object window
  8. pick a spot in the game that you want to place your container
  9. drag the container from the object window to the render window.
  10. Adjust it's position to somewhere you like
  11. save your mod and go locate it in game for a test.
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I watched a video of another guy who made a weapon, put it in a vault trunk in sanctuary hills, and it was there when he went there. I made a mod of a 10mm pistol, and put it in a container at the red rocket truck outside of sanctuary hills. It was there when I started a new game, and I was able to mod it on a weapons bench. I tried the same with the lever action rifle in Far Harbor, and it was there when I got to Far Harbor, when I tried to modify it at a workbench it didn't show up in my inventory. It shows up in my weapons inventory to use, but not to modify. Can someone tell me why I can't modify it in Far Harbor. Your help has been great, but the lever action rifle in far Harbor shows up as a test rifle in Far Harbors weapons. I don't understand that part. That's what I am stuck on.

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