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Random Musings


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As for style, I don't really have one ... I get a random line and build on it ... sometimes it works and sometimes it does not ... some are really dark and some extremely fun, well for me anyway ...

I enjoy this type of thing when I've got time on my hands, so if it touches you in any way whatsoever then I suppose I've achieved something, right ?!


1) I started this in November last year and stopped short ... I have a number of random lines, well almost half a page of ideas I had for this but never really took the time to finish it ... maybe oneday.




The bristled shadow of the broken broom now sweeps the dusty floor of this empty room ,

Here once a true love bloomed but as in time the flower fades so too was this love doomed.

Outside the leaves still fall and the seasons change and the birds still call

The trees grow taller but not for me for here my love was taken from me.




2) Ok this was a bit fun, well kind of, I've got a couple more stanza's roughly 90% there but I'm not too happy with them so I'll leave it hanging until I tear myself away from Skyrim ... anyway enjoy.


Eye of the Storm


The eye of the storm is the place to be ...

a haven of peace and tranquility.

While the world all around shivers and shakes

my bed is prepared free from the snakes.

The lighting peals and the thunders roars

but can't get beyond the seal of my doors.


a dirge a song, a melody of destruction,

a poem of doom of valkyrie construction

It traverses the winds and travels through space

but leaves nary a spot nor tear on my face.




I have been toying with the idea to do one with some of the Nexus members in it and it was pretty fun - it also features Bowies laughing gnome, the easter bunny, lol, - but until I iron out the kinks it's staying with me.

Edited by Nintii
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Love your style of writing. I look forward to reading more. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


I already have given you kudos so please have some honorary kudos. :dance:

Edited by Maharg67
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Thank you kind Sir :biggrin: :turned: :laugh: it's much appreciated ... I've just gooten through ... hehehe gooten through, love that, page One of Minkii Part 2 - my Shojo race post apocolyptic survivor girl - part One is about six or more pages back here on Druids Garden ... I need closure on this story so I'm going for it..

Well anyway, the story is going to pick up after she blasted her captor out into the street below.

But once again thanks a million Marharg you're a real angel.

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