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Tolkien Lore - The instruments of Evil


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I wonder how many actually "named" items are associated with evil, and I'd like to know more.




so far we have


Grond: the Hammer of the Underworld, Morgoth's Mace

Iron Crown: Morgoth's Crown, once with the 3 Silmarils, now turned into his chain

The One Ring: well, no need to explain here :D

Morgul Knife: the Witch-King's trademark weapon


do you know more? please tell!

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Are you asking about mods? I know there is a Witch-king helmet, a of Sauron armour, and a suit of nazgûl armour.


Also, this should be in the General Mod Talk sub-forum.

He's not talking about mods, he wants to discuss The Lord Of The Rings.

One thing that comes to mind is that in the Silmarillion, the evil one (Mankor?) is dominant over the other ones in his song & though Tolkien says his stories are not allegory but this falls in line with the Biblical view of Satan being the Arch angel, related to music & song.


That’s probably all I can say without crossing the line (no religious discussions rule).

Moderators: Please accept my apologies & delete if you feel this does cross the line.

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He's not talking about mods, he wants to discuss The Lord Of The Rings.

Oh, ok. Also, It's Melkor.


In that case, there really aren't many weapons. The entire story had three main bad guys: Morgoth (Melkor), Sauron, and the Witch-king.

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Dont forget the evil white wizard Sauraman!!! :thumbsup:

So i suppose his wand (or should i say staff?) and sword should be considered evil.

I don't consider him a real villain. He never accomplished anything. Morgoth created evil, so he's quite obviously a great bad guy. Sauron got the closest to world domination (even though he was far less powerful then Morgoth; he just had more realistic goals), so he's in. Although he didn't do as much as Morgoth or Sauron, the Witch-king destroyed the great kingdom of Arnor which deserves some recognition. Saruman...what did he do? He failed to take Helms Deep, failed to defend Isengard, and to add insult to injury, he was killed by the second weakest character, Wormtongue (only Gollum is worse).

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Dont forget the evil white wizard Sauraman!!! :thumbsup:

So i suppose his wand (or should i say staff?) and sword should be considered evil.

I don't consider him a real villain. He never accomplished anything. Morgoth created evil, so he's quite obviously a great bad guy. Sauron got the closest to world domination (even though he was far less powerful then Morgoth; he just had more realistic goals), so he's in. Although he didn't do as much as Morgoth or Sauron, the Witch-king destroyed the great kingdom of Arnor which deserves some recognition. Saruman...what did he do? He failed to take Helms Deep, failed to defend Isengard, and to add insult to injury, he was killed by the second weakest character, Wormtongue (only Gollum is worse).

Yea, I think you pretty much nailed it Ninja, loved what you said about Sauron “ he just had more realistic goals” lol.

Hey I don't remember Saruman ever carrying a sword either.

Gandalf had Glamdring but what was Saruman's sword called?


Saruman did have a knife that he stabbed Frodo (poor Frodo got stabbed a lot) with right before Worntongue turned on him & stabbed him dead @ the Shire.

He's still an important icon in the evil side ninja...and he did manage to create a new evil race, and a big army of them too. Thats quite a feat. :thumbsup:

Ok I'll give him that, but what did he do with them? He blew it.

He even changed his name to Sharkey & couldn't even rule over the Shire, that's pitiful man.

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