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CBBE bodies not on NPCs


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I have racemenu, Bodyslide & Outfit Studio and CBBE installed (with MO). The Bodyslide on my character works just fine, but the NPCs do not use my body. How is that possible?




I also have BodyChange installed.

Edited by rage607
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CBBE's mesh affects the base body shape for all females, so it's odd that you wouldn't be seeing certain changes in game. You might try starting a new game and seeing if your edited body shows there. Also, once you've edited your body in CBBE, don't forget to build the body mesh and all the compatible clothing/armor mods you have installed. Use the Batch Build feature and only check off the things you actually have.


Hope this helps!

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I build my body ingame within the racemenu. Is that the problem?

I don't really got, how this works, yet.


I just tested something.

I installed "Sexy Idle Animation" and chose animation number 1. When ingame my character performs the idle, but the hands go trough the breasts.

Is it possible that the body is "just visible" and not "Existend"? I don't know how to describe it.

Edited by rage607
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The RaceMenu Morphs affect your character only. It's there so that you can make your player character have a different shape from NPCs, without having to install a bunch of mods to make the player's body and outfits different from other adult female characters. Only what you do in BodySlide itself affects NPCs.

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It's all on the BodySlide mod page. NMM/MO users can set it up to launch from that program (See: Gopher's video in the mod description). Otherwise you do as it says in the walkthrough, and go into CalienteTools/BodySlide and doubleclick the .exe.

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