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POLL A issue with Skyrim.. is it underwhelming compared to Oblivion?


Oblivion vs Skyrim  

29 members have voted

  1. 1. For those old enough to remember: Was Oblivion better in its day then Skyrim is today?

    • Skyrim is better
    • Oblivion was better
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hi all,

before you all flame me please let me explain, Skyrim is a better game then Oblivion in every way, but is it 6 years of advancement?


Do you remember back in 2006, hacking away thru the sewers, opening the grate into the big open world and thinking 'OH crap, Ive seen nothing like this before', piloting the POV in every direction - just trying to take it all in. Thinking- this is why I game, and buy new games.


Everytime I play Skyrim, I enjoy myself but it really bugs me that to hasn't the wow(not referencing WoW) factor that Oblivion had in its day.

I find myself comparing it with older games and feel that is lacking.


Problems in comparison to other(older) games:

Halfhalf 2 (release 2005) had better ingame physics. seesaw effect, in water buoyancy effects, even falling gravity felt more realistic. This is from technology seven years ago.


Farcry 2(released 2008) used fantastic, burning effects.I whole field with trees would go up in a wild fire. Think if Skyrim grass and trees could burn. Burn baby burn.


Crysis(released 2007) - Destroy trees, small buildings as this makes you feel you are in the world. Some would think crysis(the forests) even looked better then skyrim.


I'm posting here not to complain, mainly I just want to vent my frustrations - maybe I expected too much.


Please vote on the poll, and if there is game features that are in other games (and are do-able in a elder scroll game) that you wish were in this please discuss.


Maybe some of these issues can be addressed by modders when the creation kit is released.

thanks guys and girls

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Skyrim runs smooth as silk for me, maxed out with overide additional csaa32x sli :thumbsup:


So yes Skyrim is Better then Oblivion, not to mention oblivion stuttered a lot sense it was Only was single core compatible.

Although i don't get that anymore, maybe becuase i upgraded to a ssd and 8gb of patriot 1866mhz ddr3 :biggrin:

Edited by Thor.
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You're comparing Skyrim to games that were little more than tech demos. The primary purpose of Half Life 2 and Crysis were to demonstrate their engines. Far Cry 2 was probably no different. To add to that, how many games since then have done what they did? Very few.


I think that Skyrim is underwhelming, but for different reasons.

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I'd say Skyrim is an improvement. Even though I got into Oblivion late(like last year) I can definitely see the advancement. Even going from New Vegas there are things I see that Bethesda has improved upon and learned(even borrowed some ideas from some mods). They've really worked on their stability with the Gamebryo engine since New Vegas and Fallout 3. I've hardly had a fraction of the issues I've had with FO and NV with Skyrim.


As for the features you mentioned, you have to keep in mind this is already a very a complicated game, still running on a somewhat imperfect game engine. It'll only do so much before it breaks.

Shooter games are much focused on one path or stage to play at a time and are thus more optimized for that style of playing. If an open world game like Skyrim were optimized like that, probably only a small fraction of gamers would be able to play the darn thing as most systems wouldn't be able to run it.

A lot of such though will probably be possible with mods and the CK in the future for those who can run such.

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Well they had to make sure that it was able to run on consoles (that is, the same hardware as oblivion), and the textures (compared to other PC games) are a bit low res. You will probably have to wait until the next generation of consoles before we see any real mindblowing graphics.


As for me, they met all my expectations and more except in one area: The "smaller" quests. The main questlines like the dark brotherhood or the thievesguild where a lot better than oblivion, but the smaller "subquests" like the assassin contracts were fewer and not nearly as memorable. Less (good) smaller quests in towns too, though I dont count all the goandfetchquests...

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Skyrim is awesome, of course, I keep playing it, but it looks like an unfinished game or beta version sometimes.

It has little annoying things like Farengar (Whiterun court wizard) always telling you to join the collage of mages, even when you are the arch-mage :rolleyes:

And the big things:

The speech skill is almost useless: you use one hand can to count how many rewards you get through persuading/intimidating/bribing dialogs and you can make tons of golds without the trading perks.

The many ways of game breaking through enchanting alchemy and smithing.

Heavy armor is under powered, you can have the same armor rating in light armor, with less weight and better sneak chances.

Picklocking useless too, you can open an expert lock withouth any perks.

Followers get stuck everywhere or disappear and with their crappy AI they aren't a big help in battle.


For this and a lot of things I didn't mention, IMO Skyrim is not an improvement.

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Skyrim runs smooth as silk for me, maxed out with overide additional csaa32x sli :thumbsup:

So yes Skyrim is Better then Oblivion, not to mention oblivion stuttered a lot sense it was Only was single core compatible.


I never had FPS issues with Oblivion- maybe I was just lucky. My point was that Oblivion was 6 years ago. 6!




You're comparing Skyrim to games that were little more than tech demos. The primary purpose of Half Life 2 and Crysis were to demonstrate their engines. Far Cry 2 was probably no different. To add to that, how many games since then have done what they did? Very few.


I think that Skyrim is underwhelming, but for different reasons.


I disagree there, halflife 2 had a great story and total immersion. To call it a tech demo is ridiculous.

OK Crysis was a different story but was so pretty at the time nobody cared.


You are right, very few have done want the mentioned games could do. And thats my problem with Skyrim, I expected it to "change everything", like Oblivion did way back in 2006.

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