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is there any reason why pre-made characters have to be uploaded to the main list with the mods?

cant we have a gallery like the photos???

i work full time and spend an insane amount of my free time looking for things to advance my game ....i am 72nd level and havent seen 1st level since the first 5 min of the game...have no intention of going back ....at least for a while anyway.

and every day i log on and see whats new and have to wade through an assortment of 1st level dream girls to find things like an autolooter that saves me from collecting a gem , 6 gold coins and a few arrows and things for crafting, leaving

me free to swing my new sword of the moment, and cast a few new spells to amuse myself...you know ....the reason we play skyrim.

i allready have a girl that is pissed off at the amount of time i spend on this pc....i have no need to download one, each to their own ...i have no problem with it other than i slows me down.

seriously does this bother anyone?? can admin sort this???

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Let me see if I got this straight... you don't want to go through savegame mods, because you have no interest in them? Would it be safe to assume you haven't already viewed mods by category, by any chance? Only see the type of files you want to see. That'd be my first suggestion towards what I think your issue might be, even though your opening post really isn't too clear.
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Let me see if I got this straight... you don't want to go through savegame mods, because you have no interest in them? Would it be safe to assume you haven't already viewed mods by category, by any chance? Only see the type of files you want to see. That'd be my first suggestion towards what I think your issue might be, even though your opening post really isn't too clear.





yup ....been there done that grabbed most of what did interest me...but now its the daily look see at the resent list and updates.....great stuff

as stated each to their own ...not trying to offend or start an argument ...was hoping admin liked the idea ....isnt that hard to fix if ....well being admin=)

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I too wondered why people upload their saves but now understand why. Let's say you want to play a new character and you want it to be a particular race/gender and look a certain way, you can go through the whole sitting in the carriage routine waiting to get your head chopped off - or you can.................
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I don't know, maybe I want a character looking like Laura Craft but want not to do all that's needed to get one looking like her... or whatever.


I remember once in TES IV Oblivion I saw a female high elf just ... wonderful, so I downloaded the save. May have been the only time I did it but it was worthy.


PS: She was not even stunning beautiful, nothing fancy but her complexion had "character" if you do understand me, and fitted into the game without looking alien.

Edited by nosisab
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yeah fair enough......is not a big thing, im not overly sentimental about characters in general ....i use one of the masks anyway, am more interested in good old fashioned steel. or anything that speeds up gameplay, rpgs by nature tend to bog you down with the details ,inventory, decor the house etc. (i try to avoid the last as i wasted too much time in morrowind and oblivion)


as a separate gallery it would cater to those that want and speed up daily downloads as you wouldnt need to search so far down the list....but is true ...a good high elf is a rare thing ...hell elves in general look like freaks ...there are mods that can change this tho and a the console can fix ya character at anytime=) a tweak here and there....etc

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come to think of it one mod i would love to have is one i had in oblivion....it added racial bonus`s above and beyond to 100% mark for skills.... making your race relevant at higher levels ....as most of my skills are 100% why does my race matter?
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