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Dremora Markynaz are missing hands and feet


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I've had this problem now on 2 different game installs. I think it may be mod related but I have no idea which mod. Basically, all Dremora Markynaz sorcerers are missing their hands and feet. This only affects sorcerers and only Markynaz rank. Valkynaz are unaffected, below ranks are unaffected. Markynaz soldiers aren't affected, though it's rare I see them without gauntlets on.


My suspect mod is Dremora Females as it's the only one I use which alters the Dremora NPCs- http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11376


But this affects both male and female Markynaz, not female only. Disabling it didn't do anything but if the affected file is altering the base file then disabling the mod wouldn't really do much if the vanilla game also uses it. My suspicion is it's an issue with the robe they wear but why it only affects that one class is beyond me unless it gets a unique robe. I don't think this is an issue with my base game, my first install didn't have this problem and if this were an install issue it seems like it would affect all Dremora and not just one specific group.

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Have a close look at this shot from the UESP Wiki. Either the person who posted the shot had the same problem as you or it an endemic problem. All of the other Dremora mage pictures show ungloved hands. If someone looked at the vanilla BSAs I'll bet there's a missing texture for the Makynaz mage hands.
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Until now I've never noticed either ... and on my old guy I closed 60 Oblivion gates (my new guy is only up to 10 gates, and just level 12 so he won't run across any for 9 levels).
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