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Been stalking the site for a while


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I have sort of been stalking the site for a while (I made a couple PMs before though... I think...) and decided to finally introduce myself.


I found nexus while looking for mods for Oblivion and now I continue to use nexus for Skyrim; in addition, Oblivion was my first TES game (though I wished I started with Arena). I currently have 383 hours on Skyrim with two level 81 characters though I admit I did power level; both of my characters are Nords (First one male (though I did tend to use the console to give him some sex changes time to time) and the second one is female). On my first character, I ran through a mostly unmodded game (threw in the ebony mail change to light armor mod at the very end of the civil war quest line (sided with stormcloaks) mainly because I loved how the ebony mail looks with nightingale); on my second character, I am adding new mods relatively often (I just downloaded Deadly Dragons and War in Skyrim Dark Age version with the slow bloodcoin); I plan on siding with the Empire this time and I am currently trying to restore the Thieves Guild (but I end up just adventuring/feeding my sword more blood and souls just for the heck of it). My favorite shout is a tie between Slow Time and Become Ethereal (sorry Fus Ro Dah) and I have the mod that changes the shout for Become Ethereal into Avalon from Fate/ (just for the heck of it). My favorite daedric prince is good old Sheoy and I play a sort of Assassiny character at first at least.... I find that at level 81 you pretty much become all of the archetypes... well at least with how I spent my points I did.


Outside of TES, I play Guild Wars, Star Wars the Old Republic (though not much at the moment), League of Legends, Heroes of Newerth (though not much at the moment; I do have a legacy account though so I might go back sometime), Defense of the Ancients 2, Starcraft 2, and whatever free mmo I tend to play at the time; my favorite game of all time is currently The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I tend to be over-analytical so sorry in advance for when I will probably annoy you. I also love to watch anime, read manga, build Gundam Model kits, a little Yu-Gi-Oh! and Magic the Gathering, and I generally despise people who abuse the Japanese language such as using one word repeatedly while speaking English otherwise (e.g. "You are a baka" or saying "nani!?" instead of "what!?").


Also: 2+2=fish!

Edited by Astramorte
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Welcome, and pray tell what Avalon mod did you use?


I sent you a pm with the link. You can find it by search saber or excalibur on nexus. It only changes the voice acting so sorry if you were expecting the full visual effect.

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