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In my player home mod I am making I am get stuck in random spots

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In my player home mod I am making, I am get stuck in random spots that I cannot walk around. Later I come back same spot and I move past the spot. This is happening randomly through out my mod. Has any else had this problem and if so a way to fix this. Could this be a nav-mesh issue?


I at a loss with this error and I have not found any answers with google searches


Thank you


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Believe it or not I've seen this issue myself.


I am assuming you duplicated a vanilla cell to use as a starting point for your new player home. In my case I duplicated the Root Cellar from Sanctuary to use as a templet for an underground hideout/bomb shelter if you want to call it that. I expanded the room with some tunnels and whatnot. When I went down one of the tunnels in game My char walked into an invisible wall.


At first I thought that there must have been a collision mesh that I didn't notice in my way so I went back into the Ckit to fix the issue and continue my walkthrough but there was no Collision in my way. Then I though "Well the arch I used to start the hall must just be too low for the player to walk under" and I moved it.


Nope! Same issue!!! Gerrrrr! :wallbash:


After exhausting every idea I had to fix the issue I deleted all of the roombounds, portals and navemesh from the cell and I could then walk freely.


I know! I know, none of that should have stopped the player from freely moving and maybe I happened to do something else that fixed it. (I don't think I did though)


So I would try deleting the navemesh and see what happens.

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Invisible, transient collision...sound about right?

If you stand next to it, does it move (push you or slowly allow you to move forward with it)?

Can you hop onto it and kinda sorta gauge its size and shape?


So far, I've found no way to see it or fix it (though it is very rare, and so I've kinda left it alone).

Even though rare, I'm very curious about this too, so happy (though sorry for you also) to see someone else that *may* have had a similar issue.

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Alright I deleted the nav-mesh that was auto generated and made it by hand. This seemed to help make the issue happen less often. Do everyone know I am using very few mods. I just using my mod CBBE, Unofficial Fallout patch faster terminals and few other mods. The issue will it happens in similar spots it is random. I have check the collision view with f4 all looks good. I am going to do more testing to see if it is a Nav-mesh issue. I have half my player home Nav-meshed. So I will see if the issue only happens in the nav-mesh half.


​Some times I can jump over the invisible object or walk way and come back and it gone. I can always get pasted with the TLC console command.


I wish I upload the mod as a close release were only those on this board had access to it, so I could let other tested it with out other complaining that there is a issue with a unfinished mod.

anyway thank you so much for your help.



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Alright I deleted the nav-mesh that was auto generated and made it by hand. This seemed to help make the issue happen less often. Do everyone know I am using very few mods. I just using my mod CBBE, Unofficial Fallout patch faster terminals and few other mods. The issue will it happens in similar spots it is random. I have check the collision view with f4 all looks good. I am going to do more testing to see if it is a Nav-mesh issue. I have half my player home Nav-meshed. So I will see if the issue only happens in the nav-mesh half.


​Some times I can jump over the invisible object or walk way and come back and it gone. I can always get pasted with the TLC console command.


I wish I upload the mod as a close release were only those on this board had access to it, so I could let other tested it with out other complaining that there is a issue with a unfinished mod.

anyway thank you so much for your help.



when you do the nav mesh do you do it over the old??

I personally use CLEAN UP it leaving a blank canvas and then regenerate it so i dont have to edit a crapload of bad triangles. http://prntscr.com/efujqe


Note: if there are cover,floats etc..it may need 2 or 3 passes...

Edited by greekrage
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This might not help...but i also encountered something similar yesterday in a settlement im doing...


For some reason i couldnt get through a beach fence gate...


So after trying a different gate and even NO gate without a solution i accidentally discovered that it wasnt the gates fault but the fence that had an extended collision outside of the visual object .

So imagine that one fence on each side with that weird collision basically blocked the passage...


Unrelated question:

Are you also using a mod that alters dogmeat?? like that "pug" mod?...Im sure i read that the small version has bugs and one of them was the collision box of that companion...making him small in size but retaining the large collision...

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