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I placed it in my meshes folder and double clicked on it which should have opened the Ckit and shown it in a preview window. The Ckit Crashed so I tried to import it into 3D max and I got an Unknown Error.


I hadn't seen "Unknown Error" before I normally get "Invalid String" if something went wrong in my meshes. Do you have any older WIP Exports? I tend to make a lot of exports and test in the ckit as I build this way if something goes wrong I can go back to the last working version.


I'm going to poke around it in nifscope to see if I can see a problem but, you may need to start over or roll back to an older version if you have one.


Sorry I'm not more helpful.


Edit: 23 BSTriShape has the wrong Txt info same with 24 BSLighingShaderPropery You just got them backwards changing 23 BSTriShape's Txt to GuardTower02;4 (11) and 24 BSLightningShaderPropety's Txt to Materials\Architecture\Shacks\ShackPlywood03.BGSM (10) allowed the Ckit to open the mesh in a preview window.


Edit #2: I still get an Unknown Error when trying to open it in Max.

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That mesh is a combo of shapes made from scratch and imported bits straight from the game files (the side panels for example). Either the import plugin messes stuff up or I did something wrong .. I guess I have to redo and find an alternate design for it. Would love to know what the issue is though, since it's not the first time it happens.

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Apparently there is something weird about the name of one of the shaders. I opened it up, deleted the collision (thinking it was the most likely thing to go bad during importing" and saved it. I got a message:


"One or more blocks have had their Name sanitized."

21 BSLightingShaderProperty (Wet Material) = ''


So I copied it back into my mesh folder fresh, opened it in nifskope, saved it (didn't touch anything, just had nifskope save it so it would sanitize it again), and it worked fine. Collision, snap nodes, all seems to work fine, there was just something weird about the name of one of the lighting shaders.

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I didn't actively use the sanitize feature, it automatically sanitized that block when I saved. So I guess it did get fixed, or at least it is capable of handling whatever the precise problem is here.


I redownloaded it, copied the string for that node, went into the string list, blanked that entry out, then pasted the string back in as the new Name, and it saved fine, no message about sanitizing anything. I don't know what the hell caused it, but something went screwy when it was saving that string.


As a second test, the "Fix invalid block names" feature under Spells-> Sanitize gives the same message as I get when I save it.

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Yea, somehow it worked on this mesh. Had others where it did zilch.. welp, gotta study more. At least I can move on and finish the update and get on with another project cause this one is getting annoying.

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