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displaying more enchantments


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One problem I've found with this is that Oblivion only displays so many enchantments. I use Darnified UI and Display Stats and I can only see 7 enchantments at most on an item. I believe the game still recognizes all the enchantments but can't list more than 7 due to menu space, probably because the game never really intended an item to be loaded with lots of enchantments. At least, I guess it recognizes more than 7 per item. So then, do any mods exist that expand the menus to list more? The author of that mod says they're looking into it, but such a mod may already exist, assuming it's possible.

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I do have the Ring Of Perfection, it shows all 8, but I only see 7 on my bow. Unless maybe "ignore resistance" counts as an enchantment and takes up a slot. either way I should have 9 enchantments on the bow(3 sigil stones with 3 enchantments each) but I don't see them all.
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