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whiterun does not clean up... bug or just stupidy?


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so i just played the thieves guild with my second build and took on a random quest fron brinjolf(or what name it was...iduno) i had to go to whiterun and place some evidence in the hose of... someone... and there i realised that the house i was searching for had a huge hole in its roof and the door wasnt accsesable... now id like to know if theres a fix for the problem or a mod that changes that... because i couldnt find one...


thx eather way^^




ps. just in case you find a mistake... keep it ive got enough of them since i am german^^

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In answer to the question in the post's title... it's because of stupidity, not a bug. The damage done during the Battle of Whiterun is never repaired, even though it renders certain buildings inaccessible. I assume someone will eventually put out a mod that has the townspeople "repair" the damage done to their town.
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In answer to the question in the post's title... it's because of stupidity, not a bug. The damage done during the Battle of Whiterun is never repaired, even though it renders certain buildings inaccessible. I assume someone will eventually put out a mod that has the townspeople "repair" the damage done to their town.


If you are playing on a PC and want to repair.



For Whiterun open the console and type:





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prinzkoks: There's a mod that "If you are playing on a PC and want to repair" the name is: "Whiterun be Repaired" it's here on the Nexus!


I was trying to find that last night, which is why I posted the lines of the code instead. It's called "City be repaired" which is why I didn't find it using a "Whiterun" search,.

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Hey, that's good for modders... soon you'll be seeing Whiterun rebuilt, Whiterun Aftermath, Whiterun reconstructed, whiterun running again and stuff like it popping like ... popcorn ... everywhere :)
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The guy who is standing at the Stables is to stupid to move, so during the War Battle, i attack the Bag Guys and him, so obviously he attacks me. :facepalm:


The Game doesent clean up very well, i still see Dead People and things i dropped 3 Weeks In-game ago. :confused:

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