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Set in stone


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Regret is the only life I know,

The only emotion there is to show.

Guilt, oh guilt how you feed so strong,

How you forget the right, but flaunt the wrong.


So parade me around and varnish my evil,

May there be surge and damning upheaval.

Hammer my sins with a thunderous cry,

Nail me in rivets until the day I die.


Tighten my braces until I shall bleed,

Sign them as ink to that darkest of deed.

Raise the bars and melt down the key,

Summon the darkness so I may never be free.


Deepen your hole, but you cannot escape;

Before you did, it was already too late.

Scale the walls if you think you can,

But those walls were there before it even began.


My name is an omen to every and all,

May it be purged from the records and walls.

There will come a time to repay your debt;

I'm your favorite memory, I'm iron regret.

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Very good but could you please do a positive mirror poem to this one. I would love to see the contrast of the two, to compare them. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


I have already given you kudos so please have some honorary kudos. :teehee:

Edited by Maharg67
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