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hard to see with good eyes


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on the forums, lower left corner.

OK thanks for the reply buddah

White is tooo bright and it did not change nexusmods.com

so my hope for better color choices still stands

Edited by Apprentice Harper
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If you can't see the text boxes then your monitor brightness settings are probably very low. You might want to turn it up a bit because the text boxes are perfectly visible with good eyes.
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@Dark0ne Thanks any way but

I adjusted the gamma of my monitor, about two months ago, for optimal color and contrast according to The Gamma adjustment page and I was quite pleased with the result. So, I will not be undoing that just for one web site. Those two boxes for title and description become quite visible once clicked on. My problem was finding them to click with my one not so good eye. So I guess that makes it a personal problem. Sorry about that.




any way... I can now read the -tab-files-list li .upload-date and .files-tab-files-list li .version with thew help of the following stylish script

nexusmods legibuility - Themes and Skins for Nexusmods - userstyles.org

@namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml);

@-moz-document domain("nexusmods.com") {

.upload-date { color: rgb(255, 255, 255) !important; }

.version { color: rgb(125, 125, 125) !important; }

.input_text { border: 1px solid rgb(125, 125, 125) !important; }


UPDATE> Now it also highlights the nput_text border:

Edited by Apprentice Harper
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If you can't see the text boxes then your monitor brightness settings are probably very low. You might want to turn it up a bit because the text boxes are perfectly visible with good eyes.

In fairness, the forum skin is a bit too dark. I personally have my monitor brightness cranked up and my videocard tweaked to be brighter. Some things on the site were almost invisible on one of my older monitors without changing my color settings to some ridiculous setting. If you toss me a link to an archive download with some forum skin templates I might be tempted to try and make some sort of happy medium. Don't have much else going on until the CK is released. And photoshop gradients for the win.

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