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Play as follower mod


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Okay, this might be a bit abstract. I sometimes want to see two of my player characters work together in a sort of rpg party thing and I could take control of any one of them at a time. So I was thinking of some kind of mod where you swap places with one of your followers. Like you become them with all their traits and attributes and inventory and they become you.


I can imagine a LOT of ways this kind of thing can get sticky. Especially if you have some kind of mod that lets you make anyone a follower (like jarls and essential dudes). So maybe it would have to be paired with like some kind of specific "make a custom follower" mod thing.


The way I imagined it working would be you select your follower and choose some option like "take control" or something, then it makes a duplicate of the character your playing as (like with this mod http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/55394/? ) and changes your characters appearance, skills, level, inventory, magic, equipment, and name to a preset or something made as a copy of the follower. That way you are the follower you were looking at and there is an npc version of you. The original npc you targeted to swap with is then deleted i guess.


Since this is meant to imply you only swap places with a follower in a sort of rpg party style group i think it fits well that some stuff remains the same on the player (mostly to save time having to figure out more ck stuff tbh). faction and bounty stuff would stick because everyone in the party is an accomplice to everyone else in the party, or something like that. Essential quest items may remain in the players inventory because stuff needed to progress would obviously be shared by all the dudes. I guess you'd have to both be dragonborn or whatever and share all the shouts you've collected?


Uhhh. I can see this being a fun, yet very rough and imperfect mod. If anybody has any ideas, advice, or wants to collaborate that would be cool. I may try making it myself but I'm more of an artsy asset designer than a coder, so this would be difficult for me.

Edited by sephofmaryland
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Kinda like many JRPG (like Final Fantasy XII)?

I guess you'd have to both be dragonborn or whatever and share all the shouts you've collected?

Reminds me of wanting a "someone else is the Dragonborn" option in some of the Alternate Start and/or You Are Not The Dragonborn mods.

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