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Help me picking one more skill to focus


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Long story short I'm on my first playtrough and I'm playing as a dunmer assassin/spellsword hybrid

Skills I devote perks to are one handed, archery, light armor, illusion and sneak

I was thinking of utilizing another magic school, possibly conjuration or alteration, since I devoted many points to magicka and my character is supposed to be a hybrid of assassin and mage.


I'm open to suggestions both for statistical reasons or simply because a certain skill could fit this type of character's narrative


Also there's skills like speechcraft that i have at high levels but don't get perks because I don't find it necessary.


My character is level 35, with dark brotherhood completed but other guilds and main quest have barely started.

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Ah, this sort of questions.... Reminds me of the time when Skyrim was still young. :cool:


IMHO, conjuration doesn't fit the "assassin"/"shadowblade" archetype. You could choose the path of necromancy OFC, but still wouldn't seem fitting. Alteration would be a much better choice: Paralyze your vivtims, before you backstab them... Besides that, Telekinesis can come in handy (or just add some spice for roleplaying) and the mage armors are at least partly useful.

Or you decide to become a thief and invest some points in pickpocketing. Would be fitting, too. I mean, you're already a hired assassin, why not make some extra money between jobs?


Whatever you choose: Enjoy Skyrim. May Nocturnal guide you!


P.S.: From an RP point of view, alchemy with the possibility to create poisons might be interesting too. Poisons really aren't that powerful in Skyrim, but nice for style reasons. If you want to focus more on utility, blacksmithing and enchanting are really strong and helpful. OFC, they don't require magicka.


P.P:S.: With a stealthy character, I wouldn't recommend spending too much points on magicka. Learn enchanting and work with spell cost reducing enchantments. For more damage output in fights (especially if something goes wrong and you're detected by your renemies), stamina is a good choice. For more "safety", invest in health. Being that "super-squishy" assassin might be an interesting and challenging way to play, but it's not everybody's cup of tea...

Edited by Algabar
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