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IPS Driver Error


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I too have had the IPS error appear VERY frequently over the last 2 days. Took me 30 times to connect to the site, and even then, it occurs with almost every page I am going to. I do get a rare occasion where I won't encounter the error for 20 minutes or so, but then it will reappear.
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I really do hate to be a pain in the neck, but i've seen that error again a couple of times. I'll be surfing one minute just fine when the next page will load at a very slow rate. If I wait it out, I will either get the page or my good ol' buddy: IPS Driver Error. Once or twice, I've closed the web browser and attempted to re-connect to the site, and everytime, was greeted with the IPS error. I tried refreshing the page for about 5 straight minutes and eventually managed to get back to the site. Don't know if my description helps or not, but I thought you should know. :thanks:
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Yeah, I got an IPS drive error today (and many other times over the past week). I also get the following error either before or instead of a full blown IPS error:


Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (11) in /home/tes/public_html/includes/mysql.php on line 5

The mysql database is currently down. Please come back a little later.


Seems descriptive, I hope this info helps in some way.

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There was an issue with the server earlier today......that the site was off line and limited for a time, but it should be back to normal now.


Please post if your are still having issues.



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