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DN's Geater Dwemer Ruins: The Door to Akulakhan's chamber


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So i'm at the part where I defeated Dagoth ur for the first time and he disappears. So now I have to follow him into Akulakhan's Chamber which looks to be to the east of the new platform added by Greater Dwemer Ruins. Only thing is, there's no door to the chamber! I go to the rotating dome thing where the Heart Ring is, but where I think there should be a door, there's none at all. I looked at the local map and there's two squares that signify entrances to the chamber, but they can't be seen as there's just the big cavern wall. This is practically gamebreaking, as there's no way to progress now.


And i also got these two errors whenever I try to load the save.


Script Error: EXPRESSION in ArcuhlSummon
Right eval
Update: Well, I just found the Door. Using TCL, I found it 20 feet above the facility cavern ceiling, floating in the middle of nothingness.
Edited by KinkyKongKeith
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From Morrowind Scripting for Dummies:

"EXPRESSION in script..."


Followed by


"RightEval ..."

This error indicates that Variables are not declared. Most often this happens with game

variables that are almost used like functions, e.g. OnPCEquip.

EXPRESSION in general appears mostly when variables have not been declared in the script.

Dunno which mod has the "ArcuhlSummon" script in.


That door position sounds like some kind of mod conflict (maybe its a vanilla door moved by DN GDR and a later loading mod has a "dirty" entry with the door rcord in its vanilla position). Unfortunately TESPCD doesn't report conflicts in CELL records. To fix I'd say clean plugins of such dirty entries (tes3cmd or TESTool), if that doesn't fix then a binary search is the best bet to identify the problem mod.

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I guess I should mention that I also have Mad God's Great house Dagoth installed as well, but I also have the compatibility patch by MoonAndStar installed as well. That has to the issue. And I already cleaned all my mods using Tes3cmd fixit command. Guess I could try it again. If that doesn't work, Any way I can place the door in the right spot using the Construction Kit or something?

Edited by KinkyKongKeith
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Yeah, think so. If the mod you make just moves the door a fraction on the x, y or z axis then it should get preserved in an ESP. Actually, I think you could just make a change and then undo it (been a while since I went in the CS) to have that door record changed. Then load that new mod last. Use GMST Vaccine to prevent evil GMSTs in your mod. Hrm, maybe you'd need to have DN GR loaded too.
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Well, I tried cleaning all my mods again with Tes3cmd, and the door is still in the same spot. As a matter of fact, I think it's where it was supposed to be in Vanilla, but Great House Dagoth must be keeping it there despite the compatibility patch. But point is, cleaning didn't work. Looks like I'll have to make a fix using the Construction Kit. Uh, any tips? I have at least a basic understanding of the CS, but I don't really know what the **** I'm doing.

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I had a couple of similar door issues. Leading to a "My Patches.esp". I simply found the doors in the necessary mod, changed it, then saved it to said new esp. I now have many personal "compatibility patches" I made, just for my own games' sake. Good option though, just make sure to use Enchanted Editor or elsewise to monitor any unwanted GMST's. And always make it load last.
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Something that may work:


Use a binary search to identify which mod is moving the door.


Add a custom [Order] rule to your mlox_user.txt file so that DN GDR loads after this problematic mod.




DN GDR.esp


You'll need to check the file names though (DN GDR is an ESP, isn't it?)


That'll load DN GDR after the problem mod and, assuming there's a new position for the door defined in DN GDR, then that'll supersede the x,y,z position in the problem mod.


Sorted. I believe.


If you do go down this road plese let me know the problematic plugin if/when you identify it and I can add an Order rule into the main mlox rule-set so everyone benefits.

Edited by Dragon32
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Alright, I tried deactivating Great House Dagoth.esp, Great House Dagoth ( Master Index Compatibility ).esp, DNGDR-GHD Patch.esp,and DNGDR-GHD Patch OV.esp, and the door to Akulakhan's chamber is right where it should be. It has to be one of those ESP's. I'll try adding them one a time and see what happens.


And on another note, those script issues I mentioned earlier also disappeared .


Update: Yep, it's the Great House Dagoth.esp that's causing the problem. The GDR-GHD patch just doesn't seem to fix it for some reason.


Update: Alright, we're getting somwhere now. I used Wrye Mash to make sure DN-GDRv1.1.esp loads after Great House Dagoth.esp, Great House Dagoth ( Master Index Compatibility ).esp, DNGDR-GHD Patch.esp,and DNGDR-GHD Patch OV.esp and the door's right where it should be again. Only thing is now I've got these error messages popping up.


Object "DN_Sphere_key_green" not found for dialogue type Topic
Info "EMPTY"
Required file 'Reclaim Gnisis.ESP' has been altered since this file was saved.
Required file 'Better Morrowind Armor DeFemm(o).ESP' has been altered since this file was saved.
Required file 'DN-GDRv1.1.esp' has been altered since this file was saved.
Required file 'DNGDR-GHD Patch OV.esp' has been altered since this file was saved.
Required file 'DNGDR-GHD Patch.esp' has been altered since this file was saved.
Required file 'multipatch.esp' has been altered since this file was saved.
Script Error: EXPRESSION in MAS_dagothsays1
Left eval
Script Error: EXPRESSION in MAS_dagothsays1a
Left eval
Model Load Error: Meshes\Add Art File cannot load file in Meshes\Add Art File.
Will use the default object Marker_Error.NIF.
Script Error: EXPRESSION in ArcuhlSummon
Right eval
Though I'm guessing I should have the patch files load after DN-GDR1.1.esp right?
Edited by KinkyKongKeith
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