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Question About Steam


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Hello everyone, somewhat new here. I'm former PC gamer who went to console gaming years ago, and I've recently decided to ditch my consoles and come back to PC gaming - at least for Beth titles and MMOs. My new PC should arrive sometime tomorrow and I'll be getting Fallout 4 and Skyrim.

My question is.. Should I be getting them on Steam, or are the physical copies better to have? I've read that for Fallout 4 you have to download some files from Steam anyway since the physical copies of the game do not contain all of the files that you need - and that there were some mods that actually require you to have the Steam version of the game as well. Could anyone tell me if they like using Steam better or prefer the hard copies, and why?

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All legal copies are connected to, and download from, Steam. The only difference between physical and digital is, well, having a box to sit on your shelf, and price.

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Buying the retail "disk" version is a waste of time, as you will still have to download the full game from Steam and go through the tedious decryption/installation process. The retail copies tend to be more expensive as well.

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I saved quite a few $ buying a retail version on disc at a sale at one of our big supermarket chains. Of course I had to dowmnload the rest from Steam during install. On another note - I always play with Steam off-line in order to avoid getting ambushed by a feral patch. At least it leaves me with a just feeling of control this way. Though that feeling went up in smoke during the christmas sale when I went online to buy the DLCs. My game updated from 1.4 to 1.87 leaving all of my saves useless and having to reinstall all of the mods :whistling:

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Thanks for that advice. I actually found Fallout 4 on Amazon for $19.99, and Skyrim Legendary Edition for $17.99, both new copies. Couldn't believe how much cheaper they were, 2 games for less than the retail price of 1.

Skyrim SE would be complete, but FO4 would still have need of the DLCs.

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