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Bethesda should release Morrowind for Oblivion's engine for an additional $5-10 as DLC.


Perhaps, if someone has both Morrowind and Oblivion installed Bethesda could make a $5-10 plugin that merges them into Oblivion's engine.

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also for the record (lol), stop saying how gracious bethesda was for not suing! when someone is infringing copywrited or trademarked material they must send a cease and disist order first before they can file a lawsuit; not to mention how expensive lawsuits are and the fact that the guy they would be suing wouldnt even have enough money to pay court costs


Why would Bethesda buy something they already own? All mods are property of Bethesda.

lol if thats true then bethesda owns those naughty nude mods, im gunna make bethesda wash thier eyes with soap :pinch:

and then sue them for not labeling their game adult only for all the naughty things they own for the game

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Bethesda should release Morrowind for Oblivion's engine for an additional $5-10 as DLC.


Perhaps, if someone has both Morrowind and Oblivion installed Bethesda could make a $5-10 plugin that merges them into Oblivion's engine.


If they did that, they would basically be taking Morroblivion and slapping a price tag on it, and selling it. This would be illegal, considering it's someone else's work (sort of), and that Beth Soft was the one who forced Dark0ne to take it down in the first place.

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Bethesda should release Morrowind for Oblivion's engine for an additional $5-10 as DLC.


Perhaps, if someone has both Morrowind and Oblivion installed Bethesda could make a $5-10 plugin that merges them into Oblivion's engine.

I would have liked this as well.

Personally I'm about all talked out on the subject, it's just a sad thing that has happed to our community.

here is the original link http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=49000

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If they did that, they would basically be taking Morroblivion and slapping a price tag on it, and selling it. This would be illegal, considering it's someone else's work (sort of), and that Beth Soft was the one who forced Dark0ne to take it down in the first place.


But that's what I meant by saying I was surprised they didn't buy it, bethesda might have bought the content from the person who created it, then change it a little, and sell it highly.

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You guys are missing the entire issue, many of the assets from Morrowind don't belong to Bethesda and they only have permission to use them in that game. They have stated publicly that even if that were not the case their official policy is no cross use of assets from any of their games. If you had read the entire Morroblivion thread you would already be privy to that fact.
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