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Can't find certain mods via Nexus' files->browse search


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For some reason I can't find some mods via Nexus search and have to use google instead to access those mod's pages, or links from other mods. Why is that? For example, I can't find Armorsmith Extended with nexus' search. Same for Commonwealth Cuts - ApachiiSkyHair. Attribute settings seem okay - I think they're set to include any actual mod. It's not sorting issue (though I saw websites actually changing the search result when you change sorting, dunno why).
Attached screenshot of my search attributes for Fallout 4 mods

Edited by BarsikTheCaT
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The search feature is a little...temperamental, for lack of a better word. If you can't find a mod by name, then try searching on the author's user name instead. Another option that I've used is to click on a patch or other mod which relies on the one you're looking for and use a link from its description to get you to the mod you want. It also sometimes helps if you go to the category of the mod you want, and then do your search.


And yes, if all else fails, ask Uncle Google. :tongue:

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The search feature is a little...temperamental, for lack of a better word. If you can't find a mod by name, then try searching on the author's user name instead. Another option that I've used is to click on a patch or other mod which relies on the one you're looking for and use a link from its description to get you to the mod you want. It also sometimes helps if you go to the category of the mod you want, and then do your search.


And yes, if all else fails, ask Uncle Google. :tongue:

Using the links in dependent mods only works if the mods were uploaded after the site redesign. The links for any mods uploaded before the redesign are broken.

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Hmm, now this is odd. I'm searching for "Armorsmith Extended" with these attributes checked:


and no Content Blocking tags set in my preferences, and I find it every time.


BUT if I uncheck either of the "<insert-console-here> version available" attributes, which the mod in question is both tagged with, THEN it disappears from the results.

Same for "Commonwealth Cuts - KS Hairdos - ApachiiSkyHair", as it's tagged with "XBone version available".


These attributes seem to be mandatory to remain checked, if you don't want to exclude mods tagged with them from search results. Odd.

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Hmm, now this is odd. I'm searching for "Armorsmith Extended" with these attributes checked:

attachicon.gifBildschirmfoto 2017-03-07 um 19.42.46.png

and no Content Blocking tags set in my preferences, and I find it every time.


BUT if I uncheck either of the "<insert-console-here> version available" attributes, which the mod in question is both tagged with, THEN it disappears from the results.

Same for "Commonwealth Cuts - KS Hairdos - ApachiiSkyHair", as it's tagged with "XBone version available".


These attributes seem to be mandatory to remain checked, if you don't want to exclude mods tagged with them from search results. Odd.

Can't say for sure, but since it's PHP and likely SQL maybe the query went wrong somewhere?

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  • 5 months later...

hey, if you are still figuring it out. i actually was searching for "better settlers" translation mod and there are actually two for german. but only one always came up.


DrakeTheDragon actually pointed me to the solution. i went to the content blocking section and reset what should be blocked. and after saving, both mods appear now on search.

Edited by maverikch
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