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Can Anyone suggest Some Classic Car Mods?


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Real ones, like a deuce coupe?

Or the vanilla game ones?


...'cause a deuce coupe would be pure awesome and win.


Edit: Guess that's little too old for the game's time frame.

Edit 2: ErrMahGerd, a '52 Chevy would be fantastic, with atomic add-on bits, of course!

...I'll leave now.


Yes . I mean I was looking for vanilla assets cleaned up and made buildable from the workshop as decoration. But actual classic cars would be even better!! I go for the muscle cars myself!!! :dance:

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For the vanilla assets, I think it's Homemaker of the mods I have installed that has an extensive selection of both pre- and post-war vehicles, including a large number of cars.


Thanks. these are what I was looking for. Still it would be nice to see some good old-fashioned American styled Classics like a 67' Camaro or something. Though I doubt anyone would go to the trouble. :happy:

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